Calling Favors & The Midnight Bar

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Deadshot laughed on the other end, "You want a favor? Yeah sure- but how about you give me back my son first."
Flagg sighed, "Deadshot, I need your help."
Deadshot laughed again, "You May need my help- but I don't have to give it to you." Flagg was silent for a moment before he spoke again, "I'll make you a deal."
"I'm listening."
Flagg bit his lip, this went against everything he'd worked for, "Come and help me perform an extraction and I'll let your boy walk outta here, no problem at all."

Late that night, after scouting the area and finding evidence that El Muerte and El Loco were in fact somewhere nearby, Flagg decided to allow the squad to go undercover- meaning he was letting them roam free on the streets of a portion of Mexico City. He knew it was a bad idea- but he needed time to himself, and after all- they'd proven to obey his orders before so he wasn't too concerned they'd step out of line. He had been wandering around the promenade alone, when his gaze fell upon a bustling nightclub. Deciding he definitely needed a drink, he got in line, showing the bouncer his drivers license, and entered. Upon his entry, he looked around seeing that indeed- most of the squad had come here. He walked over to an empty table and sat down, flagging a barmaid over. The barmaid grinned and came over. "Can I get you anything, Senor?" Flagg nodded, "Ill just take a beer." She nodded, "Of course." And left. Flagg watched the squad closely, despite being underage- they'd definitely seemed to have done this before. He watched as a crowd had formed around Jack Carson, who was on his twelfth shot of whiskey. Flagg  paced the club, his eyes on the squad, as though he were a hunter stalking his prey. His gaze fell to a table where most the squad sat together, laughing and drinking. And to Flagg's surprise, Grayson was there with them, laughing alongside the very people he was ordered to treat as prisoners.

Ginger Isley laughed and playfully elbowed Grayson, "You know- your actually quite funny!" Grayson laughed, "Thanks! Though honestly, I don't really get out much... so this is kinda my first time drinking..." the table fell silent. Josh Lawton was first to speak, "You haven't lived, my friend. I find sitting in a bar, surrounded by some drunken hookers, and all the booze I can drink- fun." Grayson raised an eyebrow, "Really?" Winter nodded, her fingers dancing along the rim of her glass, leaving little flecks of ice on the rim. "Certainly- other than the hookers, I've always found a drink to be rather relaxing when I needed it." Gravity bobbed her head up and down in agreement, before her was a (growing) stack of glasses as she downed drink after drink and was drunk as all hell. "Definitely! *Hic!*" Duela scoffed, "I only drink the blood of my enemies. All of which include all of you." The table fell silent once more. The sound of glass heels, mixed with the sound of black shiny dress shoes clicking along the floor made them glance over to see Brianna and Jack walking over- or well, stumbling over. Brianna giggled drunkenly and sat down beside Josh who in turn, greeted her with a charming smile. Jack dropped into the seat beside Ginger with a huff, reaching out to grab the tequila from the middle of the table and downing it. Ginger scoffed, "How much have you had to drink tonight, Carson?" Jack shrugged, "Don't know, don't care." Brianna snickered, "Typical Jack Carson," she reached over Winter and grasped the bottleneck of the vodka and poured it into her glass before setting it down and dropping a cherry and some grenadine into it, "So," she said looking at the squad before taking a dramatic sip from her drink, "What have we missed?" Josh laughed, Nothing much, doll face, just how Mr. Rick Flagg Jr. here has never been drinking before tonight." Brianna snapped her gaze to Grayson and sleazy him a flirtatious smile, "Oh I remember the first time I drank, it was delightful." She sipped again and crossed her right leg over her left, exposing the skin on her thigh, Duela glanced over and could see the tip of a small blade. "Anyways," Brianna continued, "Jack was there- he remembers more than I do. But my last time drinking was with my brother," the entire squad, (albeit for Jack, Ginger, Duela And Josh) chokes and exclaimed shocked, "Brother?!" Brianna nodded, "Yeah. I don't remember much but I know from Jack I have- had, a brother." She corrected slowly. Josh leaned forward, "Interesting," he murmured, "So- what do you remember?" Ginger sat up, her eyes locking onto Brianna. "Brianna, share nothing more." She ordered. Brianna narrowed her eyes at the red head, "Don't tell me what to do, Gin." Jack- who was mostly flat out drunk now, burst out laughing, whiskey coming out his nose. "Ha! She called you, Gin! And gin's alcohol! Speaking of- waiter! Get me some gin right now! Chop, chop!" The waiter scoffed and walked back behind the bar. Grayson spoke up, "Wow- for once I'm actually having... fun." He admitted. Duela chuckled, "and course you are," she reached into the center of the table to grab a cashew and toss it into her mouth. "Besides, not every day you get to hang out with criminals." Brianna's eyes darkened for a moment, "If you can even be called that." She growled. All eyes fell on her. Duela sneered, "Ah so the pretty little heiress remembers now! Enlighten me! Why wouldn't I be a criminal?" Brianna snarled, "Because your nothing more than a scum sucking freak!" Ginger hissed angrily, starting around the table when Brianna suddenly seemed to change into a completely different person. "Now that that's done, shall we continue our conversation?"

Josh laughed, "I think I like you more as Brianna, Quinn! Your much more, hmm how do I say this? Desirable." Brianna snickered leaning over, her face a few inches from his, "I'm flattered, Mr. Lawton, however..." she crept her fingertips up his arm, "I like to say I'm already spoken for." She glanced at Jack briefly before leaning back in her seat. Josh chuckled, following her eyes, "Ah- have a thing before this whole bloody mess did you?" Brianna snickered, "I guess you could call it that..." Jack laughed, pouring a Bloody Mary down his throat. "What we had then my dear was wonderful. Despite it being," he leaned over taking her hand in his before giving it a gentle  kiss, "purely professional." Jack leaned back, a playboy like smirk growing on his face. Ginger frowned watching them cautiously. Winter laughed, silencing the table. "I must say, this is the most fun I've had during this little... vacation..." Brianna grinned, "So the Ice Queen speaks at last, hmm? How's your arm?" Winter's eyes widened in surprise and she glanced down at the burnt arm. "Er- fine, thanks. Still hurts pretty bad but hey, I'll manage. Not like it's gonna kill me or anything right?" Brianna laughed, "I suppose it won't, but I do know if it's not taken care of your walking into an arm amputation!" Winter narrowed her eyes curiously, "What makes you say that?" Brianna laughed, "Since I was a child, I was always told what to do and when. Medical training was the first thing I learned after I split my head open when I was five." Ginger elbowed Jack who spilled his drink on his suit in response to her actions. "Hey!" He hissed, "This was a nice suit! And it cost a lot of money!" Brianna snickered, "Don't yell at Ginger, Jack. Remember-" she reached into her bra and pulled out a wad of hundred dollar bills much to everyone's surprise. "We've got more money to spend anyways." She tossed the money at her partner who grabbed it with a grin, "Thanks, love. I'll be back in a few minutes, with a new suit." Duela grinned wickedly at the heiress who calmly drank her cherry vodka. "Do I need to tell Flagg your stealing money from helpless civilians?" She sneered. Brianna smirked, "Well Jr. here saw the money. And it's not stolen. Not exactly." Grayson looked down at her concerned. "Your planning something." He said, Brianna shrugged, "So what if I am? You won't get in my way. Besides- the only reason I want to leave, is so I can take back whys rightfully mine." Brianna downed the last of the vodka and popped the cherry into her mouth. Ginger growled in annoyance.
"You won't believe this!" Jack Carson said stalking back over in a new suit. "Apparently a Bloody Mary looks like blood, so they have me a new suit for free. And so when I was walking out I scored this at the jewelry counter," He reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful dark emerald necklace. Brianna grinned like a love struck fool. "Oh Jack," She murmured, "you really didn't have to- it's lovely, thank you. I'd wear it now, but I've already adorned a necklace." She reached into the small satchel on her dress and pulled out the locket, the very locket that Flagg had confiscated at the time of her reveal. Grayson's jaw dropped. "H-how did you get that?! My father locked that up in the safe in his room!" Brianna snickered, placing the locket around her neck. "Did he really?" Jack smirked at the look on his partner's face and replaced the emerald necklace into his pocket, vowing to give it to her at a later time. Suddenly, Winter dropped her glass, sending it shattering to the ground.
"Oh my god."
Everyone turned following her gaze. Before them was none other than Sasha Minerva, or rather- Lynx. Sasha smiled and walked over, "Hey."

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