Training And Visits

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11 Years Later...

Brianna Quinzel ran through the dilapidated Crime Alley, panting heavily. She jumped onto the fire escape of a nearby building, scrambling up it, her booted feet slipping as she rushed to the top. Upon making her way to the top, she dropped the backpack she was carrying and dig through it for the grappling hook. She aimed the grappling at a building across from her and fired, grabbing the bag in the knick of time. She shrieked as she almost slammed into the wall, instead dropping into a dumpster below with a low moan of pain. A few moments later her pursuer walked over and tapped her head with a pistol. "You're dead." He said. Brianna scoffed pulling herself out of the garbage, a banana peel fell from her head almost comically. "Shut up Jason." She brushed herself off as she made her way through the alley her eyes on the ground. A black SUV was waiting at the front of the alley, Brianna opened the door roughly and climbed in. Johnny Frost looked in the rearview mirror, "How did it go?" He asked, before seeing Brianna's state of dress. Jason climbed in beside her, closing the door with a warning look to his father as not to say anything to Brianna. Brianna growled, "It went fine, Frost." Johnny Frost said nothing more and started the car, driving back to the club in silence. Jason frowned at Brianna's unhappy expression, well unhappy meaning more pissed off. He hated seeing her so upset, over the years he'd grown to feel more than just a sense of friendship for her. It wasn't a sense of protection (that had been his job the moment he met her), it was more a sense of love. He watched as the car halted outside of the club, Brianna jumped out just before the vehicle came to a complete stop and stormed inside. Jason got out of the car and walked in after her, but not before his father shot him a warning look when he heard the boy's content sigh. He would never have her.

Brianna marched up the stairs, her green eyes having a dangerous look to them. She stalked past her father's office, where she could hear an argument going on, most likely over supplies or too few dancers. Brianna punched the button on the elevator, pulling her key from around her neck as the golden doors opened. Brianna entered the elevator, inserting her key into the penthouse slot and turning. The penthouse button lit up and Brianna felt the elevator ascend to the top floor. She walked out as the doors opened to the lavish living room, and made her way to her room, slamming her bedroom door shut behind her. She was fuming, again and again she had failed, if she couldn't escape Jason with a fake escape, how could she do it for real? She groaned entering her en-suite bathroom and seeing her reflection. Gross. Mud and grime plagued her raven hair, she stripped herself of her clothes, climbing into her shower and turning it on, the cold water ran down her porcelain skin. The fifteen year old girl sighed, she'd been doing this her entire life and yet she still failed. Brianna watched as the white tub turned a brown-black as the dirt left her body and hair. Brianna washes her hair, thinning only about evacuation scenarios. What if... plagued her mind. What if she had to escape the Caped Crusader one day? What if she had to get out of a sticky situation at the club or in the streets? By this time, the water had numbed her skin and she was cleansed of filth. Brianna stepped out of the shower, a towel draped around her torso as she made her way to her closet to slip in something comfortable. Brianna exited her room after putting on a grey t shirt and jeans. She collapsed onto the living room couch and turned on the wall sized tv. "...breaking news- The Joker and Harley Quinn make an appearance at Gotham First National Bank, Batman was hot on their trail until a civilian was put in danger. As of now, they have disappeared off the radar." Brianna chuckled and glanced back at the elevator seeing her parents walk through at that moment. "Almost get caught by the Bat?" She teased. Her mother smiled and shrugged. "But we didn't. That's the important part." Her father scoffed before he replied, "Doesn't matter- I want you at the club tonight. I've got a client with an heir about your age. I want you to convince him the contract is good and make his father sign it." Brianna nodded, "sounds simple enough." Her father growled, "It is. Now don't mess it up." Brianna narrowed her eyes as he walked away towards his office, her mother giving her a sympathetic glance before following. Brianna scoffed before standing up to make her way back to her room. "Brianna do this- Brianna do that, never a moment to myself I tell ya." She muttered, whilst curling her hair. Brianna shook her curls slightly, before slipping into the pretty purple dress she rarely wore. Brianna looked in the mirror one last time before leaving the room and walking towards the elevator, the penthouse key dangling from a gold chain around her neck. She slipped into the elevator swiftly, pressing the button for the club which was on the first and second floor of the building. Brianna stared at her reflection in the golden walls, signifying her families wealth. And another reminder of who she was, Brianna stood tall and flipped her hair over her shoulder with a small smirk on her face as the doors opened. Griggs was stationed at the base of the stairs and glanced back seeing her enter the club. He stepped in front of her blocking her path, "Woah Woah- easy. Now there's rules your dad wants you to follow." Brianna groaned rolling her dark green eyes. "Is this really necessary, Griggsy?" She asked, a smirk crossing her face as she saw his face. Griggs sighed, "Look, 0kid- your dad wants me to lost the rules." Brianna groaned, "is this really necessary?" Griggs pulled out a sheet of paper, reading off the rules. "1. No messing with clients, 2. Don't leave the club without permission 3. Don't kill anyone 4. Do not act like your mother. 5. Be professional" Brianna had slipped past him after number one and made her way to the bar sitting down and smiling at Jewel, the barmaid. "Hiya Princess, what can I get ya?" Jewel asked sweetly. Brianna laughed, "Hmm, dunno- what you got?" The barmaid pulled out a menu from under the bar handing it to her, "well- we have the usual stuff, cocktails, wine, beer, margaritas- that stuff. But we also have the specials. And looks like tonight's is cherry vodka on the rocks." Brianna nodded, "I'll try it- sounds interesting." A figure pulled up next to her and nodded to Jewel. "I'll take the same." He tossed a couple hundred dollars on the bar and both girl's eyes widened. The boy smirked, pushing the money towards Jewel. "Keep the change angel, and start a tab. I'll be here quite a lot if this lovely lady here doesn't accept a dance." Brianna and Jewel shared a shocked look and Jewel turned on her heel, taking the money and stuffing it in her bosom. "You got it lover boy!" Jewel leaned over to Brianna, "He gives you trouble you know what to do." She muttered slipping the girl a knife. Brianna took the small blade, tucking it in her dress. Jewel disappeared behind the bar and Brianna turned to face the boy and almost dropped her jaw. Damn. He was around her age- maybe a year or two older, dark brown, almost black hair, hazel eyes, charming face... "Uh, angel? You there?" Brianna shook herself out of her reverie and smiled, "Yes- sorry about that... I'm just expected to be somewhere and I'm not sure how much time I have." She glanced over at the glass encased conference booth, her father's electric green hair was seen through it. Brianna turned her attention back to the boy and leaned over interested. "So, what brings you here, Charming?" She teased. The boy laughed, "My father had some business, I came along to enjoy the sights and possibly see about a partnership." His eyes trailed down her body. Brianna snickered. "Well Charming- it's not easy to get a partnership in Gotham. Especially one that ends peacefully." The boy chuckled, "Well I can be very persuasive. I don't think that'll be much of a problem for me." Brianna smirked, she liked this guy. Jewel returned with their drinks and grinned seeing them getting along so well before walking to the kitchen. Brianna smiled, "Y'know I cant just keep calling you Charming forever." The boy laughed, "oh where are my manners?" He held out a hand and flashed her a grin. "Jack Carson, Heir of the Los Santos Trinity." Brianna giggled, "Brianna Quinzel. Heiress to the Gotham Throne."

Captain Boomerang, or Digger Harkness- stood at the front of the Grin and Bare It. Knowing fully well who and what awaited him inside. He started towards the entrance, managing to slip past the guard who was arguing with a lost patron. Boomerang entered the club, his jaw dropped at the sight. It was fantastic. Just as Harley described it on the Suicide Mission back in Midway. "Cages made of pure gold..." "Dancers and drinks, real drinks that you would kill for..." "And the best part is- no vigilantes." Boomerang walked across the marble floor pushing through the crowd and keeping an eye out for the blonde with cotton candy colored hair. He heard a laugh nearby and glanced over seeing a young girl in a purple dress being lead onto the dance floor by a boy- clearly a charming devil, who was determined to sweep her off her feet. Boomerang stepped aside letting them pass. He spotted a familiar face, and groaned. Not the face he was looking for, but a face. He walked over to the man in a suit, JSF branded on his tux. The man's eyes widened and he cursed under his breath. "Shit man you can't be here! You'll blow my cover!" Griggs snapped. Boomerang shrugged. "I'm here for the same reason mate. More or less. I just wanted ta talk to Harley." Griggs narrowed his eyes straightening his tie. "That's not possible. Ms. Quinn is busy. Come back later." A voice perked up, "I'm not busy Griggsy." Boomerang turned expecting a scantily clad Harley Quinn only instead seeing the girl in the purple dress, her charming partner at her side. She walked over and stood silently beside Griggs before looking at the man. "You know I'm free tonight, Griggs." Griggs sighed, "My sincerest apologies your Highness. However," he paused nodding to Boomerang; "this man was looking to speak to your mother." Brianna shrugged. "I'm just as good as my mother. If not better. I can help you, Mr.?" Boomerang held out a shaky hand, Harley had a kid? "Digger, Digger Harkness. I'm an old friend of Harley's. I was looking to talk to her. Catch up." Brianna nodded. "Hmmm. I suppose your not too much a threat..." Griggs slipped behind Boomerang and dropped his gun into his pocket. He feigned a gasp. "Ms. Quinn! He's armed!" Brianna whipped around putting Boomer in a headlock, while her partner searched him, retrieving the gun. Griggs snarled. "An assassination! I should've known!" Boomerang hissed. "That wasn't me! You know it wasn't!" Brianna sighed, "Just take him out back. Let him run. Or shoot him. I could care less." She took her partner's arm with a giggle. "Come now Mr. Carson- I'll show you around." They strutted off to the VIP Lounge where her parents were leaving Griggs alone with Boomerang who lay on the floor gasping for air. "Strong grip!" He rasped as Griggs dragged him out back. "Yeah, gets it from her dad. Now go- get outta here before shit happens." Digger scoffed as the door shut. "I told you not to do that." Digger groaned and turned to see Tatsu in a simple grey hoodie, white tank top and black leggings, she wielded her Katana in one hand however. Digger growled. "Shut up and buy me a drink." Tatsu sheathed the weapon with a smile. "You carry more money than I do. And I'm holding a sword. I don't think I'm being let into any bars." Digger laughed, "that's true. Aw well- best get going. Maybe I'll run into Lawton only way outta town." Tatsu frowned. "Your leaving?" Digger nodded, "yeah- gotta kid in Australia I haven't seen in years. Figure it's about time I say hello."

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