Put Into Action

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"Missing?! What do you mean she's missing?!" Josh asked in shock. Jack frowned, "She was here last night, this morning when I woke up she was gone. I don't know how she got out, but she got out." Josh growled in annoyance, "She couldn't have gone far- her nanite would have gone off if she had." Jack nodded, "I'm sure she's around somewhere. Just- keep Flagg and Flagg Jr. busy while I find her." Josh nodded, "You have my word." Jack nodded his thanks before disappearing back into the room only to appear minutes later donning his armor. Josh smirked, "top notch bulletproof armor? You overcompensating for something, Carson?" Jack scoffed, flashing the boy a dirty look. "No- I'm going to look for my partner. I just need to make sure I'm ready for anything Mexico City can throw at me."

Ace cast her gaze across the city. It was just passing dawn, and the sun was rising into the sky, resembling a phoenix against the horizon. "Quinn."
Ace turned around to see Delgado and Cierra approaching her from behind. She turned to face them. "Yes?" Delgado narrowed his eyes at her, "How do we know you won't double cross us? Turn us in?" Ace smirked, her lips the color of rubies as she grinned wickedly. "You don't. But you'll have to take my word for it if you want to escape without Waller knowing." Delgado hissed, "You expect us- to carry out your plan and somehow succeed? You loco!" Ace narrowed her eyes. "I know what I'm doing, Diablo." Delgado snarled, "Says the girl with no memory!" Ace held her breath. "My memory doesn't matter. What does matter, is we get out of here. Face it Delgado, you can't go on for much longer. You may not want to admit it but it's true. You have one shot. Take it."

Jack hissed in anger as he saw his partner approach from the shadows, "Where the fuck have you been?!" Ace shrugged, "Around." Jack grasped her arm harshly, "You can't go 'around'," he growled. Ace ripped her arm from his grasp, "I can go wherever I want, Mr. Carson." She said, "You aren't my father." Jack hissed, "Well your father would expect me to look after you and make sure that you stay in one piece!" Ace shrugged, "Whatever." Jack watched as she strutted off towards the vans, grumbling to himself before following, "I hate that girl."

People wandered the streets, some stopping to take a look at the fleet of American Government vehicles. Dark Bullet sat in the middle of the Escalade, Blackjack on his left, and Ace on his right. The two had clearly not yet made up from their argument prior to leaving the hotel. Dark Bullet glanced into the trunk area where Snowflake Frost, Captainette Boomerang, and Lynx sat. Driving the vehicle was a high ranking soldier of Flagg's choice. Flagg himself was seated in the passenger seat. Dark Bullet looked out the rear window. Behind them was another Escalade, this one being driven by another soldier with Katana in the passenger seat. Flagg's son sat in with Lavender Glow and Jokers Daughter. Dark Bullet turned his gaze back to the front. Something wasn't right. And it wasn't just this entire Task Force X thing. Dark Bullet had only agreed because he knew there was no other option. It wasn't an offer, it was an order. As they pulled up to the last stop on their list, Flagg turned to them. "This May be the last place- but after this you can all sleep well if all goes to plan." Ace scoffed. "Like hell, asshole." She got out of the car, stalking up the hill to the small motel they'd be staying in. Blackjack snarled and followed her, his hazel eyes ablaze with anger. Dark Bullet sighed, "This is going to suck ass." he got out of the car and followed the pair. Snowflake looked at the other two girls. "C'mon, lets go." The two followed her out of the car. 

Snowflake watched Ace and Blackjack. Ace was clearly holding a grudge against the boy who had at one point been her former partner in crime. Snowflake had dabbled a bit in Gotham, but from her understanding- the princess, Brianna, first born to the Joker and Harley Quinn and heir to the throne, had at one point fallen in love with her partner. The story of the princess of Gotham's life was practically legend itself. Lynx lashed her tail and twitched an ear in annoyance, "What's their problem?" She hissed, "They're more weird than usual." Snowflake looked over at her, helping get the bags out of the trunk. "Oh that's right, you weren't exactly there. So- apparently, our Ace Quinn- is none other than the princess of Gotham herself, Brianna Quinzel." Lynx twitched her ear and flicked her tail, "Ace is Princess Brianna? The older twin to the tyrannic Prince Ethan?" Snowflake handed her her luggage, "Pretty much yeah. Duela revealed it to everyone and I can only assume her highness' partner and best friend knew of it. Or at least suspected it." They watched as Lavender Glow pushed past Duela and pushed her way to Ace and Jack who still had not stopped arguing. Snowflake sighed shaking her head. "I can guarantee- by the time this is over, they'll be back together and heading home." Captainette laughed- "Yeah, that happens, Snowflake- I'll robba bank and give you all the loot!" Snowflake chuckled, "I'll be seeing my money soon then."

Ace slammed her door shut, chuckling as Jack pounded on it, yelling and demanding she open the door. She opened her luggage and rummaged through it, slipping on some comfy but combat efficient clothes. Checking herself out in the mirror, and pulled out the blood capsules and her gun. She knew her plan would work. She just couldn't let Ginger or Jack know about it. She simply had to text Delgado their location. Upon his and Cierra's arrival, they would surrender. But that night set the motel ablaze. Trapping the military personnel inside. During the panic, Ace would snatch the tablet of death from Flagg, breaking it and disabling the bombs. From there, the squad would regroup at the front, and Ace would use her magic to create dummies of each member to throw into the fire. It would buy them time from the feds while they escaped to home. Ace knew her plan was full proof. She pulled out the phone and sent the text, 


When she received the reply, she grinned and let out a laugh, the sound of it made Jack stand down. The only other person who had that laugh was her father. And when the Joker laughed, it meant someone was going to die.


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