Locate & Capture

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Cierra Santana sat in a ruined building in Mexico City, her knees tucked close to her chest. She looked up to see her brother, Delgado ready with a sniper rifle at the window. Cierra slowly lifted a hand and watched in awe as fire ignited in it. She frowned, watching the flames dance upon the tips of her fingers. This was the very thing that took her and Delgado away from their father. She believed her father, Chato Santana was a good man at heart. In the end she knew he didn't mean to hurt anyone. In fact, he'd saved the world, from some sort of mythical being. She and Delgado had only heard about it recently when they hired Mark Nigma, The Puzzler- to get them fake ID's and brand new identities. Both Santana's had been distraught over the loss of the father they had oh so wanted to reunite with. But now, they were on their own. And as two lone teenagers living in Mexico City- they were doing the best they could. Delgado say in the window, sniper at hand, his finger on the trigger ready to shoot anyone or anything that moved. Cierra laid her head back against the wall, flinching as the old paint crumbled behind her. She turned her gaze to her brother, "Delgado?" Her brother turned to her, a questioning look on his face. "Yeah?" Cierra sighed, "Do you think we will ever be safe?" Delgado swing his legs over the windowsill, climbing into the room. He walked over to his younger sister and sat down next to her, setting the gun down beside him. "I don't know." He said, "but that's why we have to keep on running. We won't be safe anywhere for long. We have to be careful. If we could just make it over the border..." he trailed off, both brother and sister knowing what he would say next. They would be safe. Or well, safer. They wouldn't have to move as much. It would be even better if they could get to Canada or even Europe. They didn't get to speak another word before they heard thundering footsteps coming up to their hideout. Delgado jumped up, grabbing the gun and walking around to the door, poking his head around the corner to see who it was. "Están acampando arriba en alguna parte!" Delgado snarled stalking over to the window, "Vamos- we have to get out of here!" Cierra rushes to her feet, and hurried to the corner of the room where a lone backpack sat, full of weapons and survival gear. Cierra slung the bag iver her shoulder and ran to join her brother. He climbed out the window when he saw her right behind him, "Follow me!" He said  running towards the rooftop edge and jumping, landing on the next roof. Cierra followed his lead, landing not as gracefully as her brother, but continued to follow him as they ran across the rooftops of Mexico City. Delgado yelled as he fell, Cierra tumbling after him. The brother and sister duo were sent crashing to the ground , landing in a puddle of dirty water. Cierra found herself pulled to her feet by Delgado who dragged them to the side into an alleyway. They watched with wide fear filled eyes as a group of government officials ran right by their hiding place. "¡Los vi correr de esta manera! ¡No pudieron haber ido lejos!" The Mexican officials ran off down the line of houses, eyes on the rooftops. Cierra and Delgado were silent. This was their life. And it wasn't going to change anytime soon.

Ace's eyes flickered at Jack's words.
"Jack Carson, Heir to the Los Santos Trinity." "...zel, Heiress to the Gotham..." Ace shook her head, that sounded so... familiar... Why was it familiar? Was it a hint to her past? Heiress to the Gotham what? What was she? Who was she? Was she worth something? She scoffed, impossible. If she was worth something- someone would have tried to break her out sooner. And all she remembered was Belle Reve. She turned her attention to Rick Flagg, who was now lecturing the team. "Your going on a mission. Sergeant Grayson Flagg and myself will accompany you to your destination. Your going to Mexico." Ace snickered, "Should I get my bikini?" She teased. Josh laughed, "Wouldn't mind if you did sweetheart!" Jack hissed, "Both of you hush!" He turned to Flagg, "Where in Mexico?" He asked. Flagg sighed, "We are doing a simple mission. Or well- if should be. The targets keep moving around. We'll be mainly In Mexico City, Las Palmas, Guadalajara, Hermosillo, Nuevo Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta, Sayulita, and Xochimilco." Jack snorted, "Why are we bouncing around? You don't have an exact location?" Flagg growled, "No- we aren't criminals. We need criminals to think like criminals. Your going to find out where they've gone." Josh Lawton narrowed his eyes, "I dunno if anyone told you- but I'm a Hitman. Not a detective." Grayson Flagg smirked, "but how do you find a mark?" Josh was silent and the squad released soft chuckles. Rick Flagg clapped his hands together, "So- suit up, get what you need- there's clothes there- the rest of your gear will be transferred and will be there when we arrive at our first campsite." Jack snorted, "I hope when he says campsite he really means five star rating hotel."

A woman jumped onto the military Chinook. She wasn't thrilled to be there, leaving her children with a criminal was bad enough. But to be surrounded by a next generation of criminals was even worse. She was greeted by Rick Flagg as she boarded. "Late, just like last time." He joked. The woman, Katana, glared down at him. "This better be short. I'm not staying away from my family for long." Flagg frowned, "I didn't know who else to call. I'm sorry." Katana scanned the group and her eyes fell on Ace. Why did she look off? Katana knew she had seen this girl before. But where she didn't know. Katana reluctantly sat down beside Rick, her eyes staring out the back of the Chinook. She was missing Yuki and Reiko already.

Suicide Squad 2: Heirs And ConcequencesWhere stories live. Discover now