Bittersweet Memories

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Duela snarled angrily as she watched the couple from afar. No! Ace couldn't remember anything! Because if she did- Duela was screwed. Duela walked away calmly into the hotel, finding her way to the room she shared with Ace and Ginger. She walked over to Ace's trunk and rummaged through it, there had to be something she could use against the heiress. She stopped at the bottom, a wicked grin creeping across her face. She pulled out her Ace's mission clothes and rifled through the pockets. She halted as she felt something. Duela turned the suit inside out and smirked finding a loose seam. Giving it a small tug, it can loose, inside lay a locker with a small paper tucked inside. Curious, Duela pulled it out. She chuckled reading the inscription on the locket and then the note, ensuring that Brianna Quinzel would never return to her throne.

Ace walked back into the bar, stalking towards the Flaggs before Jack's arms pulled her back. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked, Ace frowned, "Going to demand answers. They must have known." Jack shook his head, "If they do they don't want you to know. If they find out that we've put the pieces together they could kill you." Ace frowned, "Fine." Jack relaxed and gently guided her away from the Flaggs and towards Ginger. Ginger looked up, "Jack? Bri- Ace?" Ace's eyes flickered in recognition as she saw Ginger. "Brianna, meet Ginger, she's Ivy's daughter." Ace held her breath for a moment, "Ivy... Ivy's daughter... we met when we were kids..." Ginger gasped and she looked at Jack, a grin on her face. "She remembers?!" Jack shook his head. "Not much. Bits and pieces." Ginger sighed, "I suppose it's going to take time for her memory to... restore itself." Jack nodded. "To be clear- only the three of us know about this. No one else must know, or we risk all our lives."

The next day, Ace found herself standing alongside Jack and Ginger. Her memories were coming back bit by bit, but she had little memory of the happenings before her accident. Ace thought of only one thing- something she dared not to share with anyone else quite yet. She faintly recalled her father mentioning the way her mother had gotten her nanite bomb out. Ace recalled several methods, the first being that of electrocuting the nanite causing it to short out. The second, turning it off via remote, but that would require Ace getting an outside force to help her. The third and final was having it surgically removed. Ace opted her best option would be causing it to short out. However, she wasn't quite sure how to do that. She considered bringing up the idea to her apparent partner, however she still wasn't sure she trusted him fully. How could she? She still had no idea who he was- yes she had memory of him, but they were faint just like everything else. But Ace Quinn, didn't have a memory to her name. "Bri?" She looked over to see Ginger looking at her slightly concerned. "Something wrong?" Ace shook her head, "No. Nothing at all. I'm fine." She quickly pushed forward, her footsteps falling into sync with that of Snowflake Frost. Snowflake scoffed and glared at her. "What do you want?" Snowflake growled. Ace narrowed her eyes, "I want to know if you can short something out with those ice powers of yours." Snowflake raised an eyebrow coming to a stop. "You mean short circuit electricity?" Ace nodded, "Precisely. So can you?" Snowflake was silent and glared at the girl. "Why should I help you?" Ace sighed, "Because this might be our one chance to escape. If one of us can escape- they can go find help and get the rest of the squad out." Snowflake scoffed, "who says they won't double cross the rest of the squad?" Ace snarled, "I do. Now tell me, Ice Queen- can you do it or not?" Snowflake growled, looking around before nodding. "Yes I can do it. Tell me when and I'll get it done." Ace nodded.
"As long as we're on the same page."

Duela Dent watched the heiress from afar with bright green eyes. Duela chuckled to herself, little princess wouldn't get away so easily. And Duela would make sure of it.

Ace Quinn sat on the edge of the bed, Snowflake Frost behind her, "Are you sure about this?" Snowflake asked. Ace nodded. "Of course, it's the one way we have a chance at getting out." Snowflake bit her lip, "Well I suppose so... but the thing is..." she paused. Ace narrowed her eyes, "What? What is it?" Snowflake sighed, "I haven't exactly done this before..." Ace snarled, "Just get it done!" Snowflake rolled her eyes with a heaved sigh, "Alright. This is going to hurt- but please try to move as little as possible." Ace hissed, gathering all her hair to rest on her shoulder. "Just start it already." Snowflake nodded, "Alright- here goes nothing..." Ace let out a small gasp as she felt the ice piercing her neck. Snowflake's eyes narrowed intently as she slowly guided the ice fragment towards the location of the nanite explosive. Snowflake had almost reached the bomb when the door was thrown open, her concentration shattering. Ace snarled as the ice fragment fell apart inside her throat. She whipped her head around to see none other than Duela Dent walk in with Rick and Grayson Flagg. Ace narrowed her eyes, fury burning in her emerald eyes. No. Duela laughed walking into the room. "See? I told you they were up to something Flagg!" She snarled. Flagg walked in and frowned, realization dawned on him and he looked up at Ace and Snowflake. "Your trying to disable the bomb." He said. Ace hissed, "What would you do?" Flagg walked over, his breath murmuring in her ear, "Use electricity. Ice won't work. You need to short circuit it." Flagg turned around to leave and Duela's jaw dropped. "Aren't you going to punish them?!" She cried in disbelief. Flagg shrugged, "They got yelled at. That's enough." Ace stared in shock, what did he mean use electricity? Was he- helping her?

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