Planning An Escape

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Brianna sighed flopping onto the bed in the hotel room. Jack chuckled watching her from the doorway, Ginger at his side. Ginger donned a worried expression as she watched the heiress. "Brianna," She said slowly, "Are you okay?" Brianna giggled and sat up, her dark emerald eyes having an acidic glow to them. "Whatever do ya mean, Ginny?" Jack snorted with laughter and cupped his hand over his mouth. Ginger glared at him then turned her gaze back to Brianna worriedly. "Brianna, something must have happened there. Please, tell us." Brianna stopped suddenly, all humor gone from her eyes. The acidic glow had now long gone and she had a deadly serious look on her face. "Leave me." She growled, "I'm fine. And I don't need you babysitting me like I'm some weakling." Ginger's eyes widened in surprise at her tone, "Oh- oh of course. I'll see you tomorrow, Brianna." Jack watched as Ginger left, snickering to himself. "Did I stutter?" Jack frowned turning his gaze to his partner, "What?" Brianna Quinzel's emerald eyes pierced his soul. "I said leave." Jack smirked, "Love to, gorgeous- really. But you forget- your staying in my room." Brianna scoffed, "You think I care?" Jack frowned slowly walking over, leaning over her his face inches from hers. His eyes traveled up and down her body before resting on her eyes, searching them. He smirked, cupping her chin in his hand, "Brianna, my partner, my favorite- tell me, whats bothering you?" Brianna chuckled, "And why would I tell you such personal information?" Jack leaned over until his nose grazed hers. "Because I've got a pretty good hunch that you my dear, murderous, manipulative, angel, still have the same feelings for me that you did way back when." His smirk widened as he saw her eyes flicker like a light switch and her cocky demeanor fall. She drew back, admitting defeat. For once, she was silent. Jack chuckled turning around and walking back towards the door, "That's what I thought. Now, Princess- if your sure you want to be alone, I'll gladly-" he was cut off as she grabbed him suddenly, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down until his lips met hers. Jack smirked into the kiss and his eyes twinkled in amusement as she pulled back for air, "God you have no idea how long I wanted to do that," Brianna hissed. Jack chuckled, "So what now, Princess? Gonna take it a step farther? Or are ya gonna back down?" Brianna smirked wickedly, "I'm never one to back down, Jack. I never- ever, back down from a challenge."

Sasha was walking down the hall to get more ice for the ice bucket, as the one in her and Winter's room was out. She passed by Brianna's room only to stop, her feline ears pricked as she heard something. After remaining in the hall silent for a few moments, her face paled as she realized what exactly the sound was and where it was coming from before she, blushing furiously, hurried back to the room. The ice could wait. She threw open the door to see Winter tending to her arm. Winter looked up, and seeing her roommates distress frowned and cocked her head to the side in curiosity. "What's wrong Sasha?" She asked. Sasha dropped the ice bucket and climbed into her bed. "I don't even fucking know."

When Brianna awoke the next day, she had by far the worst hangover she'd ever had. As she finally came to her face paled as she realized what had occurred the previous night. She cast her gaze over at Jack who lay beside her, snoring softly. She smirked, that really had been as good as she'd imagined. She settled back down into the crook of her partner's arm, a stray bottle of whiskey at hand, and downed the last few drops with a hic. Yep. She definitely had a problem. She let out a content sigh snuggling back into Jack's arm and pulling the covers up. This, was heaven. Her bliss was soon interrupted by banging on the bedroom door. "Carson! Quinn! Breakfast! Be down in five!" Brianna groaned, there goes her good mood. Jack stirred and pulled her close, "Now that," he murmured, "Was utterly, and fantastically amazing." She smirked, "Last night or that wake up call?" Jack snickered, rising from the bed and pulling on his boxers and clothes, "Last night of course. I'd much rather wake up to... something else." Brianna scoffed rolling her eyes as she teasingly hit him on the arm. "Get your mind out of the god damn gutter, Mr. Carson." Jack sniggered, buttoning up his shirt "Why? Yours was in the gutter last night." Brianna rolled her eyes, "Don't forget yours was there as well." Jack smirked, "Guilty." Brianna rolled her eyes as he stepped into the bathroom before she murmured, "Just like your cologne." Jack poked his head out, "What was that princess? I didn't hear you." Brianna rolled her eyes, standing up and letting the covers fall before she began slipping on her undergarments and clothing. "Never mind," Brianna was nearly halfway dressed when Jack's arms snaked around her, preventing her from strapping on her bra. Jack grinned, "We definitely need to have more things like last night." He said, Brianna rolled her eyes and ducked out of his arms. "Perhaps," She said with a teasing smirk, "Perhaps not." Jack snickered, "Oh Princess- we both know you can't get enough of this," he said gesturing to the entirety of his body. Brianna smirked, "Well you can't get enough of me either can you?" Jack shrugged, "Touché," Brianna had at this point finished slipping on her street clothes which consisted of some ripped short shorts, a gray t shirt, black combat boots, and a holster around her shoulders like a backpack. Jack grinned eyeing her, Brianna caught his gaze, "Can I help you Mr. Carson?" Jack shook his head snickering, "Later, come on, let's get going before Flagg bursts in on us."

The pair walked downstairs to see the others already seated and eating breakfast. Sasha looked up briefly and quickly averted her eyes, her cat ears drawn back in embarrassment. Winter snickered at her roommates reaction but continued eating, Josh Lawton stopped his eyes falling on the ice queen. "What So funny?" He asked. Winter snickered, "Wait til Ginger here's this." Ginger walked over upon hearing her name, "Wait till Ginger hears what?" Winter nodded for everyone to sit down, snickering as Jack and Brianna were oblivious to the rest of the groups antics. Winter grinned leaning into the table. "Okay, So last night Sasha went to refill our ice bucket when she heard something." She choked on laughter and the rest of the squad looked rather annoyed. Duela scoffed, "And? It's a hotel. People are going to have sex." Winter snickered, "Oh you just wait. Who's room was it again Sasha?" Sasha blushed, hanging her head low in embarrassment, "Ja..... nna...." the group was confused. "Janna?" Duela scoffed. "There's no Janna here." Winter groaned. "Oh for crying out loud! Jack and Brianna fucked for Pete's sake!" This got everyone's attention and Ginger looked as though she just drank a bunch of salt water. Jack and Brianna meanwhile looked pale as ghosts. Ginger stormed up and slapped Jack hard across the face. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She screamed. Brianna snickered beginning to take a step back. Ginger grabbed her arm, "Oh no you don't!" Brianna hissed in anger as she was pulled back. Jack chuckled, "Now Gin, there's no need to overreact- she's my partner anyways. Now in more ways than one." Ginger narrowed her eyes angrily. "You may be her partner in crime- but that gives you no right to decide to fuck her!" Brianna snapped, "I'm right here y'know! And stop treating me like a defenseless child! I can protect myself! Just watch me!" And with that, she turned on her heel and left the dining room. Leaving Duela with a smirk on her face. Things were just going to be getting interesting.

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