Old Friends And New Legacies

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Tatsu stared at the felon in her home. Boomerang stood up, his hands swinging at his sides, "Hey you got any beer?" He asked sauntering into the kitchen and opening the fridge, "cause I could kill for a drink right now." Tatsu breathed heavily. "Why are you here?" Boomerang walked out of the kitchen, a bottle of wine in his hand, he popped the cork as he reentered the room. "What? Can't drop by to see an old friend?" He took a long swig from the wine. Tatsu narrowed her eyes. "We are not friends." She growled, Boomerang put a hand to his chest as though he'd been hurt. "Aw right in the heart. Come on love- it's only been four years." Tatsu snapped, "Get out of my house before I kill you!" Boomerang held up his hands in surrender. "Fine. Fine. I'm leaving. Just know, I'll be around." Tatsu hissed as he left through the front door. She stalked into her room upstairs, passing by her daughters room to see them still occupied with their card game, and shutting her bedroom door behind her. Tatsu dove under her bed pulling out a dark colored suitcase and dropping it on the bed. She stared at it holding her breath. Her eyes soon fell on a drawer in the nightstand beside her. In it lay the key to the locked luggage. The woman reached over and pulled out he key without hesitation and held the metal object in front of her. She slowly grasped the suitcase lock in her left hand, her right hand trembled as it moved slowly towards to keyhole, as she inserted the key she let her breath out and turned. Click. The lock fell to the floor with a small thud, Tatsu slowly opened the suitcase, neatly inside laid the very same outfit she had worn four years ago when she went on the mission for Amanda Waller to defeat the Enchantress. Atop the clothes was the mask, it glared up at her making her blood run cold. Her hands trembled as she picked up the mask, holding it in her hands as she made her way to her en suite bathroom. She looked at her reflection before looked at the floor and slowly putting on the mask. She lifted her head seeing herself once more. She was Katana.

Griggs stared at the small child atop the henchman (Who Would now most likely be killed considering he was beaten by a four year old). Who's kid was this. He glanced over at his new 'boss' and new straight away What this was. He held back a wicked grin. Amanda was going to live this. If they took the kid, they would have both The Joker and Harley Quinn under their control. He watched as Harley rushed over to the child removing from the henchman. "Brianna..." She said scoldingly before she was cut off by The Joker's laughter. "Good job kiddo! C'mere and meet your new toy!" Brianna giggled jumping away from her mother who's face now held a mask of fear. "J-" she didn't have time to reply before Brianna hopped over by her father and Griggs. The Joker smiled resting a hand on Brianna's shoulder to contain her excitement. He looked up at Griggs, "and not only will you be risking your life for mine and Harley's, but it is also one of your priorities to keep our little princess out of trouble. Brianna looked up at Griggs through emerald eyes. Griggs stared down at the child, with having several guards on this kid at one time it would be much harder to get her to Waller. He simply nodded to The Joker. "Of course, boss."
The Joker clapped his hands together. "Wonderful! Now Frost will give you your jobs, won't you Johnny boy?" Johnny Frost glared at Griggs, his eyes cold. "Yes, sir. It will be done." Griggs gulped at the right hand man's tone. He was sure he wouldn't make it out alive.

Tatsu Yamashiro walked through the streets of Gotham in a knee length white dress that hugged her figure, Yuki and Reiko strolled beside her, the girls giggling as they told each other about their school day. Tatsu lead the girls into a toy store causing them both to fall silent. She knelt down beside them a smile on her face. "How about you girls go and pick out some new toys? You've both been very good." She pulled out two twenty dollar bills and handed one to each child. Her twins ran off giggling. Tatsu stood pulling her purse over her shoulder with a smile. The clicking of heels was heard behind her. "Don't you just love when their running around like little maniacs?" Tatsu stiffened, Where has she heard that voice? It was so... annoying.... Tatsu watched as a woman wearing sunglasses and a black hat (that must have cost her well over a thousand dollars for its pure gold lining) walked out from behind her, the woman wore a neat black dress and a black and white blazer to finish. Tatsu noticed a small dark haired girl at her side. The child was absolutely thrilled to be in the toy store. "Mommy! Mommy!" The woman rubbed her daughter's shoulder gently as she looked over at Tatsu. "I-I'm sorry," Tatsu said seeing the woman's unnatural blonde hair. "Do I know you?" The woman frowned, looking to her daughter and handing the child a credit card, Tatsu was shocked. Who in their right mind would give a child a credit card? The woman kissed her daughter's head. "Now you know the rules, Brianna. No leaving the store without mommy." The girl nodded, "yes mommy!" The child farted off giggling. The woman stood and looked at Tatsu, "to answer your question, you do look familiar." Tatsu eyes the woman's rich demeanor. Then her eyes fell on the necklace. 'H.Q.' "Harley?" She muttered, her eyes wide. The woman, Harley, took Tatsu's hand and guided her deeper into the store. Tatsu looked around frantically for Reiko and Yuki, they couldn't have gotten far. When they were well away from security cameras, Harley removed her sunglasses, revealing her porcelain face, Tatsu could see she had a bit of foundation on to cover her tattoos, but the blue physcotic eyes gave her away. Harley smiled kindly at her, Tatsu couldn't help but stare in awe at the her figure. In four years even after having a child- she was as slim as ever. Harley laughed, startling the Japanese woman from her reverie. "I haven't seen you in years! Not since that whole Midway City thing..." she shuddered. "Wasn't a fun time." Tatsu nodded in agreement slowly, looking around for her two daughters. Harley continued, "so what've you been up to Sword Lady?" Tatsu was silent, her eyes wide with horror as she couldn't find Yuki and Reiko. She let out a sigh of relief as she saw the twins walk out from behind a rack of toys, both carrying a shiny hot pink bicycle. Tatsu smiled walking over, ignoring Harley and knelt down next to the girls a smile on her face. "I like that you two are sharing, but we can't afford that right now." The twins nodded, "Yes mama," and walked off to return the bicycle. Harley chuckled causing Tatsu to turn to the villainess, her eyes tracking Harley's every movement. "Cute, how they obey every word you say." She remarked, "Little angels really. Sometimes I wish mine was that sweet." Tatsu let her guard down and stared in shock as Harley smiled at Brianna running around the store, filling the cart to the brim with dolls and hardware toys. Brianna slides to a halt a few feet in front of Harley and Tatsu, a big grin on her face. "I'm finished mommy!" She giggled. Harley walked over and picked the child up, giving Brianna a kiss on her forehead. "Good job my little devil," she purred. She glanced back at Tatsu. "It was nice to see you again, and without the mask too." She walked away with the cart and her daughter, leaving Tatsu standing in the toy store, silence plaguing her. What was becoming of this world? Criminals breaking out of prison and starting families? Heirs perhaps? She shuddered at the thought. Children being used as pawns to let their parents never be forgotten. But the real question was, who would be forgotten? And who wouldn't.

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