A Child, A Plan

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Four years later

Brianna hopped around the penthouse with her teddy bear. She was rather bored, and the voices in her head weren't giving her any good ideas. The small child walked into the living room, hearing her mother's voice along with her aunts. Brianna smiled seeing her mother and running over to embrace her. Harley was cut off from her words as Brianna ran over. "Hi sweetie." She said softly lifting her daughter onto her lap. Brianna wrapped her arms around her mother's neck, her head against her shoulder. Brianna watched as her aunts did not look pleased. She looked up at her mother who was glaring at her two friends. After a few moments passed, Brianna tugged on her mother's shirt. "Mommy I'm bored." She pouted. Harley chuckled, "Brianna- you've got so many toys in your room! Why don't you go play with those toys? You've got those Barbie dolls we just bought!" Brianna shook her head, "I already killed them mommy!" Ivy and Selina visibly flinched and both shared faces of disgust. Harley sighed, "Brianna, please- I'm busy right now baby, can you please go play with your toys?" Brianna scowled stalking out of the living room and towards her playroom, stopping when she heard Ivy hiss, "She kills her dolls? Harley this isn't healthy for her!" A few seconds later Selina added, "Exactly! It's repulsive! She's as sick as her father!" Brianna gritted her teeth and stormed towards her father's study, tears in her eyes. She stopped at the door and stood on her tip toes to reach the door handle. As she grabbed it she pulled and successfully opened the door, she giggled softly seeing her father seated at his desk, scribbling something on paper. Brianna giggled rubbing over and shaking her father's leg. "Daddy! Daddy! I'm bored!" Her father groaned, he really didn't want to deal with this. Her father turned to her a fake smile on his face, "bored? Why princess? Didn't your mother bring you all those new toys?" Brianna scowled, "yeah but I killed them already!" His eyes widened in surprise. "You killed them?" He asked slowly standing up. Brianna nodded grabbing his hand and leading him into the playroom where he cursed under his breath. Barbie dolls were strewn about the room, mutilated and broken. Brianna looked up at him, her green eyes wide, "Now you see why I need more?" Her father ignored her walking over and examining the mutilated Barbie dolls. "What did you use to cut these?" He asked. Brianna smiled proudly, "I broke a mirror and cut with the shards!" Her father nodded before grabbing her hands and flipping them over, only a small cut left any indication that she had been harmed. He chuckled, "very good, little card. Very good." He patted her head and walked out of the room, Brianna ran after him. "Are you going to get me more toys?!" She asked running to keep up with him. Her father chuckled, turning to look at the small child. "I'll see what I can do kid." And with that, he disappeared into his office.

Floyd Lawton was positioned atop a building in Gotham City, his target nearby. A businessman who had double crossed a mobster. Deadshot aimed his sniper at the businessman and held his breath before taking the shot. Bang. The man slumped to the ground, dead. The hitman put on his mask and retreated, making his way down a stairwell to his black SUV. He dropped his weapons in the trunk and pulled out a black sweatshirt, pulling it over his head. He climbed into the drivers seat, before glancing in the rear view mirror, his eyes on the backseat where his now fifteen year old daughter, Zoe- sat doing her homework quietly. The hitman smiled and started the car and drove out of the alley. Silence plagued the car for nearly ten minutes before Floyd started a conversation. "I'm thinking of pizza for dinner, unless you want something else?" He asked one eye on the backseat and the other on he road. Zoe shrugged. "Sure. I'm fine with pizza." Floyd chuckled, she was so absorbed in her schoolwork. "Sweetheart- you need to talk to me. I want your thoughts on dinner." Zoe smiled glancing up and setting her schoolwork aside. "Okay. Though really I'm fine with pizza. Mom usually gets Chinese or Chipotle." Floyd frowned, "She getting takeout every night?" Zoe nodded. "Generally, yes." Floyd sighed, four years and he still didn't have custody. Waller had let him out on good behavior, but he wasn't allowed to take out contracts that would compromise her unit or Task Force X. The hitman was rather careful now, having the bomb in his neck still. Harley had been lucky, she'd been able to have hers deactivated by her 'friend' who had turned out to be her boyfriend. Floyd continued his drive towards the pizza place, silence plaguing the car once more.

Belle Reve, Black Site Louisiana

Amanda Waller walked through the hallways, full of criminals at her disposal. The original trial team for Task Force X was separated, Harley Quinn having been freed by her dead boyfriend, The Enchantress dead, El Diablo and Slipknot also dead- the only surviving of the trial team she had access to was Katana, Boomerang, and Deadshot. Flagg was away on military business, so she would have to put someone else in charge. Deadshot was her number one pick, as she had let him have his freedom after he had obeyed her every command. She still had eyes on him at all times, not to mention the bomb in his neck would stop him from going against her. Amanda Waller stopped, glancing over at the old bird cage that was Harley Quinn's. She growled under her breath, the second the Clowns were caught she was taking them both back here. The Joker may not have been one to follow orders- but she was determined to break him. She watched as Griggs' team walked by, Griggs in his Alpha 01 uniform. Waller raised a hand, summoning the guard who was there instantly. "Ms. Waller." He greeted. Waller glared at him. "What do you have on the Joker." Griggs's face paled. How could she know? Waller scoffed. "Oh please, cameras showed you giving Quinn the phone. And don't think someone didn't see you tell The Joker where Quinn was." He gulped, "I know only he lives in Gotham. I haven't talked to him since Midway City. He threatened to kill me should I ever tell anyone what happened." Waller snarled. "Tell me or you'll have bigger problems to worry about!" Griggs sighed, "Look- he paid off a debt for me, demanded I give Harley the phone and update him on what happened with her. That's all." Waller frowned, "If that is really all- I have a job for you. Contact the Joker, claim you want to work for him- once your accepted into his ranks, father information and then relay what you learn to me. I want Harley Quinn back. Even if it costs me a team."

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