A Gun To A Knifefight

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Brianna lunged forward, briefly recalling old training techniques taught to her in a past long forgotten. "Sixty seconds, Daddy!" Brianna thrust the memory out of her head. Sixty seconds. That was the maximum amount of time she would have to take down her opponent. Brianna launched herself at one of the men, knocking him off balance and proceeding to wrap her legs around his neck and squeeze, suffocating him. She jumped off as he fell, and attacked the next one in the same fashion. Soon twelve went down to nine, and nine to six, and soon- six to four. Brianna was nearly out of breath- having been out of practice. The remaining men stepped over the bodies of their fallen comrades, slowly advancing toward her. Brianna snarled at them in anger. She wasn't defeated. Not yet. She gave a battle cry and lunged forward with her dagger at hand, not paying attention to her surroundings- her biggest and worst mistake. She gasped as a needle was jammed into her neck. Her eyelids flickered as she felt the sedative be forced into her system. The dagger was mere inches from the gang leader's face, Brianna begged her muscles to move that last few inches and deliver the blow, but the dagger fell from her hands, much to Brianna's horror. Brianna fell into her captors arms with one last angry hiss to the leader, "You won't get away with this." The leader knelt down before her, tilting her chin upwards with his large calloused hand.
"I already have."

"Gone?! What do you mean gone?!" Rick Flagg snarled at the squad. Jack narrowed his eyes. "She vanished. We got in an argument- she said she was done and she left. I thought she would have come back here or wandered the promenade. But I couldn't be sure. So Ginger took Sasha and Winter to scout the promenade while the rest of us came here." Rick Flagg our his head in his hands. "Look- if we can't find her, her bomb will need to be blown. Waller will do it if I don't. And she will drag it out for as long as possible." Jack tensed, "I'm sure she wouldn't have gone far. She knows she'll die if she leaves the designated area." Rick Flagg sighed, "Well the tracker will alert me to her location- but only if she leaves the area. So for her sake, I hope she leaves the area so we can find her. The designated area is a rather large space to cover and we may not find her tonight. We might have to continue the search tomorrow." Jack snarled, "No! We look until we find her! You know as well as I do she's in danger if she's alone! She's the heiress to an empire! I have no doubts someone will recognize her! And if something happens to her-" Duela cut him off, "It'll be like nothing happened. Like she died in the chemical vat that night. And if you ask me- good riddance. She was always a little pest." Jack whipped around, his gun flying out of his holster and trained on Duela's head, the barrel brushing the hairs of her forehead. "You take that back, or I'll put a bullet in your head." Duela snickered, "It's true. She always ruined my attempts to take back what was rightfully mine." Jack snarled, "Oh hush! You don't know what your talking about, Duela!" Duela growled under her breath, so only she could hear, "Do I really, Carson? Or am I right?"

Brianna blinked, finding herself in what was probably some sort of gangs hideout- she couldn't really tell as their was a bag over her head. Brianna was tied to a chair, her wrists bound behind her, and rope wrapped around her torso. Whoever had taken her definitely didn't want her leaving. Brianna rested the binds, giving a gentle tug. Figures- the rope became tighter. Brianna listened, trying to decipher where she was and what was around her. Silence. That certainly didn't help much. Brianna tensed as she heard voices. "I'm telling you- she looks just like that heiress!" A huff, "Preposterous! Quinzel? She's dead! Has been for what- nearly ten months now?" Brianna bit her lip. Someone knew who she was. But clearly the apparent leader didn't think so. The bag was suddenly thrust off Brianna's head and she squeezed her eyes shut as the light in the room blinded her. "The fuck?" She muttered. Her tone was met with a harsh slap to the face. "Quiet bitch." The leader growled. Brianna laughed, "You- you are going to regret that!" The leader laughed, "And why is that? Hmm?" Brianna smirked and blew a stray bit of hair out of her face. "You do realize who you've kidnapped don't you?" The leader and the other goon stared. "See, Chupa- I told you! It's her!" Chupa huffed, "She's a pretender. A fake. Quinzel is dead. She-" Brianna cut him off, "I fell into an acid vat on a heist gone wrong, I was pushed. I didn't fall. I wasn't that clumsy. Come to think of it- I don't believe I was ever clumsy!" Chupa was silent before he gave a low chuckle, "Well, Well well- we're going to make a pretty penny off of you, corazón. Don't worry pretty- you'll be back on your throne in no time, considering your Papa pays up." Brianna smirked, "Ill gladly wait for my father's battalion to break down your bloody door and save me, all the while gunning down you, and your little gang." Chupa laughed, "I assure you, corazón- that won't happen." Brianna watched with a smirk as he left, calling out in Spanish for someone to bring a camera to film a ransom video. Brianna chuckled, too easy. Once the ransom video was sent- her father would know she lived and would send someone out to retrieve his heiress. Brianna's smile faltered. Retrieve his heiress. An heiress. Was that all she was? Was she no more than her father's pawn? Brianna shook her head and held her head high awaiting Chupa and his cronies. Her father would send someone to rescue her. She was sure of it.

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