Chapter Seven - Artist

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Anne's POV

"Cole. You will not believe what happened." I said as soon as I returned back to my classroom.

"Anne, please stay quiet." said the teacher and I smiled sweetly.

"I run into Charlie and Gilbert." I continued my conversation casually.

"What happened?" asked Cole, stopping in his tracks.


"I'm sorry, Anne. Does my teaching annoy you?" asked the teacher.

"No, it's fine." I waved her off, but then I realized what happened and I looked at her.

"Anne Shirley-Cuthbert -"

"I know, I know. Principal's office." I sighed as I stood up and got my things.

"Text me what happens." whispered Cole before I left and I nodded.

That's mistake number 100000 since I run into Charlie.

"Why did you lie?" asked Charlie as he started to follow me.

"Can't a girl have a break anymore?"

"Not if the 'hottest' guy in her school likes her." said Charlie and I scoffed.

"Tell him to leave me alone. I don't have that much time to waste." I said as I took a sudden turn.

"He remembered you." said Charlie.

"Quite hard since we haven't met before." I and Charlie got in front of me.

"No. I mean he knows KNOWS you." said Charlie and my eyes widen.

"Good for him." I said after a few seconds and continued to walk.

"Why do you pretend like you don't care?" asked Charlie as he followed me again.

"Want to know a secret?"

"What?" asked Charlie.

"I'm not a good actress." I said and knocked and the principal'office.

Charlie was about to follow me inside when Diana appeared out of nowhere and he turned around.

"Come in."

I opened the door and walked inside.

"Oh, Miss Shirley-Cuthbert." said the principal, happily.

"Can I sit?" I asked when she attacked me with a hug.

"Of course." said the principal and she went back to her seat.

"I'm here for my lecture." I said with a bored expression.

"I know. But, I have a proposition."

"I'm listening." I said, with a nod.

"I'll cancel all your detentions for this month..."

"Woah, I have like fifteen hours worth of detention."


"Of course, there's an 'if'."

"As I said... If, you show the new kid around." said the principal.

"What? No way." I said as I stood up.

"Then, enjoy detention." said the principal.

"How about you cancel my detention as a Christmas gift?" I asked hopefully.

"Christmas is not everyday, Anne. Take it or leave it." said the principal as she took her hand out.

"I'm going to regret this." I said as I shook her hand.

"It will definitely be an experiment though, won't it?" said the principal and I smiled.

"That's for sure, Mrs Lincoln." I said as I went towards the door, opened it and walked back to my class. Not missing Charlie trying to put his arm around Diana.

What do you want to see happen? ♥

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