Chapter Ten - Red

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Gilbert's POV

"Can you stop speaking for once?" snapped Anne and I chuckled.

"And miss the chance to speak to a beautiful girl like you?" I asked smoothly.

"I know I'm beautiful, but I'm not desperate." said Anne and my eyes widen.

"Why? Because only someone desperate would date me?" I snapped and Anne started to laugh, turning around and looking at me.

"Let's be real. You probably had your fun and threw the poor brainless girls away."

"Why are they brainless?" I asked curiously.

"Because, they tolerated with you."

"They didn't seem sad about being around me." I crossed my arms.

"Then, it must of only be me." said Anne as she waved her hands in the air and started to walk again, me following close behind.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I asked, giving up.

"I don't hate you. I'm just not really excited about your existence." said Anne as she took a swift turn.

"You didn't seem to hate it when we were young." I snapped and she instantly stopped and looked at me, her eyes widing.

"I've no idea what you're talking about." said Anne as she cleared her throat.

"Really?" I challenged her.

"Really." Anne challenged back.

If you walked here, you would look at two teens with their arms crossed and a smug smile.

"I wish I didn't have to breath the same air as you." I said and Anne smirked even more.

"Fresh air?" asked Anne sarcastically.

"You're so annoying." I said.

"You're the one who's annoying." answered Anne.

"I know. What can you do about it?" I answered and Anne rolled her eyes.

She was about to speak when someone took her wrist rather forcefully and pulled her away.

"I TOLD YOU TO DO ONE THING." yelled a guy with an ugly face as he was pulling Anne with him.

"Let go of my Billy." said Anne, but I could see her eyes starting to get teary.

"You don't have a saying in this."

"Yes, I do."

"SHUT IT." yelled Billy, annoyed.

"LET GO OF ME." yelled Anne and I run up to them.

"The lady asked you to let go." I said as I pushed Billy away from Anne.

Anne freeing her arm in the process.

"That's none of your business." said Billy.

"It's my business when someone hurts someone else. Especially, a lady." I snapped and I heard Anne whisper.


"It's called respect." I said as I turned and looked at her.

"It's called stay out of someone's relationship." snapped Billy and my eyes widen.

"You two are going out?"

"No, we're going inside too." said Billy, confused.

"This guy? Seriously?" I turned and looked at Anne as I pointed at Billy.


Anne was interrupted by Billy.

"Why not?"

"I don't remember speaking to you." I snapped at him and turned back at Anne.

"We used to go out."

"Until when?" I asked, curiously.


"No. We're not going to break up until I say so." said Billy as he started to make the sound 'tut-tut' as he shook his finger from left to right.

"Are you sick?" I asked, shocked.

"No. I'm quite well. Thank you." said Billy.

"Leave. I can handle this." said Anne as she tried to push me away.

Little hard to push me when you're that tiny. Precious. Her face when she struggled was just... Anyways.

Then, an idea popped in my head.

"Billy, I heard Josie likes you."

"What!" said Billy shocked and instantly smiled widely and run away screaming 'it's over' on his way out.

"Phewww." said Anne as she breathed in, in relief.

"You're welcome."

"Yeah. Thanks."

"Better than nothing." I said as I gently took her hand to examine the redness that Billy caused.

"I thought you liked Josie." said Anne out of blue.

"There are plenty of fish in the sea." I said and Anne nodded.

"That's true."

"It's nothing serious. But, it might be sore for a few hours. The redness will leave in about fifteen minutes. It already started." I said as I turned her arm around.


"I'm studying to become a doctor." I said with a chuckle at her amused face.

"Cool... Should we continue?" asked Anne as I let go of her arm.

"Sure. I'm learning about important dates in history..." I started and Anne looked at me confused.


"Wanna be one of them?" I said. Woah that wasn't so bad.

"Pass curly hair." said Anne as she jokingly pushed my arm away.

We started walking. Laughing and chatting. She showed me the cafeteria, the math class and so on.

"I can't believe you did that." I said laughing.

"Well, I didn't have any money. It seemed like the only option was to sneak into the train." said Anne jokingly.

"You're a fiesty one."

"Thank you." said Anne, laughing.

We continued walking until we reached a place.

"Is this?" I asked in awe.

"I didn't even realize we left school." said Anne with a laugh.

"Was it?"

"Where we said goodbye."

"Yeah..." I said as everything suddenly started to come back to me.

"Do you remember our secret spot?" asked Anne, excitedly.

"You think it's still there?" I asked.

"Only one way to find out. Come on." said Anne as she took my hand in hers and started running down the hill.

"I'd follow you anywhere." I whispered but she didn't hear it.

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