Chapter Thirty - Past Or Present?

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Gilbert's POV

The tension was growing as the seconds went by.

Everybody waited for her to speak...

When, she was about to do so somebody interrupted her.

"What on earth are you doing here?"

"Mrs Blythe... What a lovely surprise."

I never felt more uncomfortable in my life. That's a first. I'd never though my talks with Matthew would come in second... You don't want to know. He might be silent, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't tease me about- no need to dwell on that...

"I wish I could say the same." said mum and stared at her.

I didn't miss Jerry's little chuckle which he tried to cover with a cough.

...Shirley-Cuthberts, I swear.

"Don't be rude." said Cole as he came and casually joined into our conversation.

"Stop smiling." I heard Anne whisper to him and looked at her with a frown.

"That wasn't a smile. That was a frown getting tired so it turned the other way. It so happened the most comfortable one for it was upside down."

Gracious Heavenly Father...

I mean God.

I've been spending too much time with carrots... I mean Anne. Who am I kidding, is not like she can read my thoughts.

"Someone speak this is too awkward." said Brian, who was obviously trying to make it worst.

"Someone told me to come." said the woman and I swear Anne could get mistaken for a tomato in a heartbeat.

"It's Anne." said Amanda as she joined us.

Now, she looked even more mad.

"It's true." said Violet and I held her arm so she wouldn't attack them, you know how her temper can make her.

"How dare you, you little-"

"I suggest you choose your next words wisely, ma'am." said Brian as he looked at her with his jaw clenched.

"Filthy little redhead."

"Tell her, Mrs." said Amanda as she looked at Anne.

"Oh close your mouth now." said Cole and Amanda did what she was told..  That's a first.


"Mrs Spencer. We had an agreement. Ruby shall never know the truth." said mum as Mrs Spencer took a step away.

"Don't you work at the asylum?" asked Ruby.

"Ruby don't talk to her about her job."

"Okay mother, then. What's the secret?"

"Ruby, I am sorry." said Mrs Spencer as she started to tear up.

"Then, why did you send her to another family?" asked Marilla who joined us with Matthew and Mrs Lynde.

"I know why."

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