Chapter Seventeen - I Need You...

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Gilbert's POV

She is looking at me. Code red. Act calm.

I looked at her direction and she quickly waved at me... But, I ignored her.

I bet she thinks it's accidental and I didn't see her.

"Gilbert...?" asked Anne as she tapped my shoulder.

I turned around and gave her a bored expression.

This is paining me.

"Please go away..." I mumbled as I noticed Brian, Moody and Charlie looking at me.

"What?" asked Anne, perplexed.

"You need to leave, right this instance." I continued.


"I'm not supposed to talk to you." I said loudly because I wanted to get this over with so I wouldn't have to look at her disappointed face.

"Why not?" asked Anne, confused. I just groaned frustrated and went and sat down at the seat that was the furthest from her.

I knew for sure that if I didn't. I would run to her and hug her. I... am whipped.

No no no.

It's the bet.


"Let's sit. Everybody's watching." said Cole, comforting her as he guided her back to her seat.

"I hate this already..." I mumbled and Josie hugged me out of nowhere.

I pushed her away gently, faking a laugh as I tried to talk to her in order to distract myself.

"Hello class..."

"Hello Mr Philips." said everybody in sync.

After that I just completely ignored him, until he scared me half to death.

"MR SLOANE." shouted firmly Mr Philips.

Oh no Charlie.

"It wasn't me." said Charlie as he put his hands on his desk.

That means it was definitely him.

"Then, who was it?" asked Mr Philips as he crossed his arms.


... The ghost. Really? I would say Danny Phantom.

At that we all died laughing, well except Mr Philips.

"Charlie, you have a brain. How about you use it for once?" snapped Mr Philips.

"Oooooh." said Billy.

"Billy, one day you'll go far." I whispered at him and he gave me a smug smile.

"I know..." winked Billy as his smirk widen.

"I really hope you stay there." I finished and Billy was about to answer when Mr Philips interrupted him.

"Now, I figured you don't care enough to know so I might as well say this quickly. You will go there during the day... From 2pm to 5pm and later there will be a dance... Don't ask me why." said Mr Philips with a shrug.

"Will there be a prom queen and king?" asked Josie with a giggle.

"If it helps you feel better about how fake you really are, then I'll mention it." said Mr Philips as he rolled his eyes to Josie's squeal.

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