Chapter Fifteen - Stay Away Once In For all

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Gilbert's POV

"I'm an idiot." I said as I face-palmed.

"Finally something we can agree on." said Ruby with a smirk as she walked inside my room.

"You're so sweet." I said sarcastically.

"It's a gift."

"I called her carrots." I said with an eye roll.

"Awwww." said Ruby as she clapped her hands.

"What are you awning about?" I asked, curiously.

"You named her after your favourite vegetable." said Ruby as she started poking me on the arm.

"...That's not the point." I said as I looked down with a smile on my face.

"You loveeeeeeee her." said Ruby and I instantly looked at her.

"Please, I don't even like like her." I said and Ruby actually laughed right to my face.

"Then, why did you try to kiss her?" asked Ruby and my eyes widen.


"She is one of my closest friends."

"I should've known. I'm such an idiot." I said with a face-palm.

"I approve this message." said Charlie as he entered the room.

"Oh. Shut it." I said as I pushed him to the side.

Then, Brian came in my room from the window with Cole.


"Hey Bria-" I was interrupted by Moody walking into my room from the door.

Everyone just stared at him.

"What? You guys just come through the window and that's okay? I don't like it, impolite." said Moody and Ruby laughed as she patted him on the back and walked away and to her room.

"Oh and I took some cereal." said Moody as he pointed at his bowl.

"You're out of milk... Now." finished Moody as he sat on my bed.

We all laughed and I patted him on the back.

"I-I mean... I don't hate her. But, I think I'm too late." I said with a frown and sat on my bed.

"It was just a silly fight. Couples fight all the time." said Moody with his mouth full of cereal and milk.

"We're not dating."I said and everybody started to laugh.

"That's what they all say." said Brian and laughed.

"I seriously don't like like her." I said with a frown.

"He 'doesn't' guys." said Charlie with a laugh.

"Great..." I said with a scowl.

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