Chapter Thirty One- We're Going to Be Friends

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Anne's POV

Remember when I was young and my hardest decisions were if I would bake a cake or make a pie? Then, it changed to the conclusion that I wanted to be with Gilbert? Well, now I'm considering for the hardest one.


Not like where I would like to go.

They already asked me if I wanted to teach here and I accepted... Gilbert on the other hand is another story. He decided he wanted to study at Redmond College with Moody me and Charlie. Yet, this is not only it.

He is planing on going to a medical school. Which won't be at Avonlea. Obviously.

I would have to be separated from him for quite a while.

I wasn't too happy. I mean I was happy. But, him leaving me.

My thoughts got cut off by a voice.

"Anne, do in fact come and stop walking around like you're lost or something." said Charlie with a chuckle.

"What if I really am?"

"Then, we'll get you a map."


I said with quite weakly as I stared of to distance.

"Is this about Diana not coming to the college?" asked Charlie with a scowl as if he was angry about the fact that he was leaving her here and he would go to Nova Scotia with us.


"What is it then, Anne?"

Charlie looked at me with worry in his eyes as he nodded for me to sit down and I accepted. As I looked at Cole's sculptures and my second house.

"Gil, is what is wrong..."

"Anne, isn't he coming?" asked Charlie a bit confused.

"Yes, he is but after -"

"Let's not worry about after." said Charlie as he gave me a small hug and patted my back.

"What if he r-"

"We'll just have to wait, then." said Charlie as he sat back down to his normal position.


"Do absolutely nothing." then he frowned as he put his hands out for me to hold, and I did.

"I'm -"

"Diana is what I have dear in my life. I love her with all my heart. One day, at prom a few years ago, two if I'm not mistaken she decided and accepted my hand in courting her. Since then I treated her like the princess she really is. We are meant to be, unfortunately we will be away from each other's arms. But for a little."

He looked at me as if he was asking me if he could continue and I nodded with a frown.

"Gilbert loves you and he has before he even knew the actually meaning of that word. You do too, it took you a while to find it out but we all knew and waited for it to happen." said Charlie as he chuckled teasingly.


"We even had a bet going on..."

I raised my eyebrow in amusement but shock nonetheless.


"Me, Diana, Cole, Brian, Jerry and our little princess Ruby." said Charlie with a smile full of pride.

"Who succeed?"



"Brian... He said that Gilbert would probably do something idiotic that would cause at least a few months. I said Christmas and Cole said Valentine's day. Jerry said two years because you have a low IQ when it comes to facing your feelings and Ruby said five years when he would come back. Brian said the dance and he actually got it right." said Charlie a bit annoyed.

"He is Brian, he knows these things like the back of his hands." I said with a laugh.

"Quite right there. Anyhow, Anne there's really nothing to be worried for and maybe this is a good thing." said Charlie and I was even more perplexed.

"How is it a good thing after all?"

"You will see if your relationship can handle it." said Charlie as he sighed.

"I supposed you are not wrong there."

"It's not Gilbert you're talking to, that's why I'm making sense." said Charlie as he smiled at me and we both snickered.

Then he stood up and helped me aswell.

"I supposed we have to go." I said and he nodded.

He let his arm out for me and I accepted.


Charlie looked at my terrified face and laughed loudly and pointed at me as I let go of him.

"That's the girl with the princess story and the ugly boyfriend." said Charlie as I saw Gilbert pushing him a bit.

"Here you go." said Mrs Stacy as she gave me a diploma.

"You don't have to speak n-"

I cut Moody off by actually doing exactly what he told me not to do.

"I want to start by saying that through all these years I learned a lot of things but three really changed the way I was thinking. I will tell you, Brian. No by saying no it won't change my -. Life is worth living as long as there's a laugh in it. Then, it's been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will. Oh, it's delightful to have ambitions. I'm so glad I have such a lot. And there never seems to be any end to them - that's the best of it. Lastly, just as soon as you attain to one ambition you see another one glittering higher up still. It does make life so interesting." I said as I nodded and shook Mrs Stacy's hand and walked down the steps.

"You did wonderfully." said Gilbert as he hugged me by my waist and kissed my cheek, from behind as soon as I walked up to Cole.

"I know, but it's sweet that you think so too." I said as I felt him laugh.

"What happens next?"

"We go at Green Gables."

"After that?"

"We stay with each other."

"I can get used to having you around, I guess." said Gilbert as he pulled me closer.

"I love you." I said with a slight blush.

"I love you." said Gilbert as he turned my face and gave me a kiss on the lips as he kept me close and he grinned on my lips.

Then, we let go and he pecked my forehead as I turned and looked up on stage and looked at Diana walking up to shook Mrs Stacy's hand and do her speech.

Charlie was looking at her with pride. Ruby and Jerry were laughing on the side as he tickled her. Cole and Brian were drinking raspberry cordial and us well we are fine.

The end...

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