Chapter Eight - Excuse Me?

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Gilbert's POV

"She never told her love. But let concealment, like a worm i' the bud. Feed on her damask cheek: she pined in thought. And with a green and yellow melancholy. She sat like patience on a monument. Smiling at grief. Was not this love indeed?" I read from Shakespeare's book called the twelfth night.

"What a load of rubbish." I said as I threw the book at the end of the room.

"Even he didn't believe in those 'I love you' things and he wrote Romeo and Juliet as a proof. Yet, people use it as love. What's love about two teenagers who liked each other's looks? If that was love. I've fallen in love about twenty times now." I said with an eye roll.

Then, my cellphone rang.


"DUDE." shouted Charlie on the other side of the phone.


"I'm sorry. I'm just so excited." said Charlie and I laughed.

"About what?"

"I eavesdropped a conversation."

"Nothing new."

"... And I found out who'll be showing you around school." said Charlie.

"Is it that -"


"I didn't even-"

"It's not Josie."

"Oh man. She was a hot one. I've even found my pickup line for her." I said and Charlie went to interrupt me when I said.

"Josie is a name that starts with 'J'. So, does the word 'juicy'. How about I take you out for a drink to discuss it?"

"That was so bad, man." said Charlie with a laugh.

"Wait... How about. You're as sweet a PYE." I said with a laugh.

"Isn't that a pun?" asked Charlie, confused.

"Right... How about... Woah, your surname starts with 'P'? So does the word 'park'. How about we go on a date there?" I asked lamely.

"It's Anne..." said Charlie, completely done with my flirting attempts.

"As in Shirley-Cuthbert?" I asked happily.

"No, Gilbert. The Anne of Great Britain" answered Charlie sarcastically.

"Isn't it Elizabeth II?" I answered perplexed.

"Anne was the Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland between 8 March 1702 and 1 May 1707." explained Charlie and I looked into space in shock.

"How do you possibly know that?" I asked and Charlie scoffed.

"I read."


"I knew you would be back and I've been DYING to say something like that." said Charlie and I chuckled.

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