Chapter Nine - Showing Around School

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Anne's POV

"It's so romantic." said Cole while he was walking me to school the next day.

"How in the world is it romantic?" I asked annoyed.

"Come on, Anne. Little kids promising to marry each other and one day they meet again." said Cole as he put his hands on his waist.

"That's sweet." I said, not really paying attention to him, but what was in front of me.

"Woah, your surname starts with 'P'? So does the word 'park'. How about we go on a date there?"

That was Gilbert flirting with Josie.

"Anne, small flames are coming out of your ears." said Cole as she looked at me.

"Let's just leave." I said, even though I didn't know why I cared.

"Jealous?" asked Cole and I rolled my eyes as we passed from Gilbert quickly and if I'm not mistaken, I think I saw Gilbert with a worried eyes looking at me.

"Hey Shirley-Cuthbert, you alright?" asked Gilbert as soon as I reached the door, following close behind.

Cole being the friend that he is winked and walked away.

"I'm fine."

"How are you fine? You don't look like you are." pointed Gilbert out as he followed me to my locker.

"Look Blythe." I said as I closed my locker door quite harshly.


"Stop acting like you care, because nothing will happen between us. Drop the act." I said as I opened my locker again.

"Is being kind an act now?" asked Gilbert, as he gently pulled me away from my locker and shut it.

"Yes. At least in your cast. Can you leave now?" I asked as I went to walk away but he held my arm.

"No can do."


"You're supposed to show me around. Remember?" asked Gilbert, sarcastically.

"Right... Just not more pickup lines." I said as I pushed his hand away.


I nodded and he started to follow me.

"It's silent. Let's keep it that way."

"... Are you from Tennessee, because you're the only ten I see."

Tea is boiling? ♥

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