Chapter Eighteen : The Writer Snapped

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Gilbert's POV

Anne and I had been going out for a day now. I don't have something negative to say about it... Well, except that she is a perfectionist.

"Books, notebooks, keys, mobile, money. Oh my God, where's my phone?" said Anne as she run around inside Green Gables.

"In your hand?" asked Jerry as he entered the room and welcomed me with the kindest... Death glare.

Anne looked at her hand and nodded as she gave Jerry a quick hug and pulled me outside.

I came at her house about five or so minutes ago, because I promised that I would walk her to school.

"Good morning." said Anne as she pecked my cheek.

"Good morning, angel." I said with a smile.

"So, did you tell the boys?" asked Anne as she linked her arm with mine and we started our walk to school.

"About what?" I asked as I looked at her, curiously.

"Us, silly."

"Oh... About that." I said with a nervous chuckle.

"What did you do?" asked Anne as she stopped walking and held my arm, blocking me for doing so too.

"It's a funny story. You're really going to love it... So, the boys think that I don't like you." I said and Anne looked at me confused. Maybe, it's not the best idea to start a relationship with a lie, but it's a white lie...

"Why would they think that?"

"Because, I told them... But, think about it. It's so funny." I said with a laugh, but Anne let go of my arm and crossed her arms.


"... Maybe, it's best if we don't think about it." I said as I looked at her.

"Are you planing on telling them the truth?" asked Anne, annoyed as she let her school bag on the ground.



When I know for a fact that Brian won't murder me...

"Today?" I asked, because if I didn't answer the way she wanted me to, she would get mad and I hated it when she was made at me.

"Okay then." said Anne, excitedly as she kissed me, got her bag from the ground and run inside the school.

That girl is something else... I like that. It's nice not having someone all over you all the time.

"GILBERT BLYTHE." I heard someone yell and I turned to my right and came across Brian.

"Brian, my man." I said and Brian fake chuckle and held me tight by the arm.

"Get another girl." said Brian, furious.

"Brian, this has nothing to do with the bet..." I said as I pulled out of his hold, hesitantly.

"Oh really? That means you called it off. Right?" asked Brian with a scowl as he crossed his arms.


The bell rang and I run as quickly as possible away from Brian.

You know that awkward moment when you think that you have a lesson in a specific class and you open the door and just simply stand there awkwardly, because you're not right.

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