Chapter Twenty Four - Going Home To Pay A Visit

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Anne's POV

"Are you going to talk to him?" whispered Ruby from the seat behind me.

"Respect the church." said Diana with a smile.

"Not anytime soon."

"What if he begged you?" continued Cole as he pretended to have dropped something so he could join us.


"What if he simply wanted to explain what happened?"

Now, that voice was all too familiar. A beautiful voice indeed but not my absolute favourite right now.

"Too bad I can't leave." I whispered as I refused to look anywhere but my hands.

"It's alright." said Gilbert as he quickly held my hands and pulled me towards the door as he kept a firm hold on my hand so I wouldn't walk away from him.


Let go." I said as I tried to push him away but he didn't even flinch.

"You misunderstood everything." explained or at least he tried to explain.

"So, there isn't a bet?"

"Oh, there is but-"


I took a step away and he held my wrist.

What is with everyone holding my wrist?

"I didn't remember you then."

"That's much better." I interrupted him.

"Let me finish." said Gilbert, annoyed by attitude. "The bet is not a lie... Unfortunately. But, I didn't remember you, yet. We changed, if I knew you I wouldn't make that bet in the first place. I know you won't forgive me. You have every reason not to. I tried to get out of the bet... Alright, I didn't. I wanted to tell you the truth though. I didn't lie when I said I liked you. That's pretty much it. " said Gilbert as he let go and looked at his hands. "Now, you're free to go. I am letting you go. I said my side of the story so know it's left on you to decide if you want to acknowledge me now. Be my guest and if you choose not to then, I will respect it." He shrugged with a sad smile as he went to walk away.

"Now, you can't leave without giving me a chance to have a saying." I said and he turned around and waited for me to speak. "I deserve an explanation for Amanda and Violet first."

"Violet is a close friend, back at Nova Scotia and no we didn't date, if she told you that we dated she lied to you. Amanda on the other hand... We dated for a while. But, that's in the past. It's not like I dated her while I was here. We broke up the day I left and she probably wants to win some kind of argument or something. Now, the picture was photoshopped and you should have known that, because why else would Billy be there acting all sweet and non him? Do you have any other questions? "asked Gilbert and I nodded.

"Why did your family leave Ruby?"

"That's a family thing."

"I- What's that?" I asked as I saw a letter a bit further from us and I got it from the ground.

"What does it say?" asked Gilbert as he tried to read from my shoulder.

"I didn't open it yet, did I?" I asked sarcastically as I opened the letter.

"Wait. Who is it addressed to?" asked Gilbert and I gave him the envelope.

"From secret enemy to Ruby Blythe?" asked Gilbert as he got the letter from my hands.



I was about to speak when he motioned for me to be silent with a worried expression as his face got whiter and whiter.

"Dear Ruby Blythe,.....

.................................. "


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