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It was a dark, cold, Friday night but it was clear. You saw patches of light seeping threw the trees as you were running. "There she is" you heard a male yell as he and a few others were chasing you. You ran faster looking back seeing they were catching up to you and that's when the whole world seemed to stop. When you ran into him, he held you in his arms "You alright" he asked pushing you away a bit. You saw them getting closer and without saying anything you were about to run away once more until he grabbed your wrist. "L-Let me go" you squealed "I need to get ou-" he placed a finger over your mouth "I can help you" he whispered. "Really" you said a bit out of breath and he nodded. He grabbed your hand and began to run and so did you he took a sharp turn down a path in the woods and stopped when you two arrived in the middle of a bunch of tall trees. You expected the guys to still be chasing after you but they weren't. "Thank you" you said catching your breath, his skin almost was shining because of the way the moonlight hit it. "What's your name" you asked him as you fixed your black shirt, he looked around before speaking. "Lim Jaebeom" he said in a hushed voice which sent butterfly's in your stomach. "And you" he added. You brushed a piece of you black hair behind your ear "Y/N" you said shyly. He grabbed you by your waste and pulled you close "Your mine" he said boldly causing your face to be red. "W-What" you said confused. "I helped you, I like how you look. Now I claim you" he explained. You shook your head "But that's not how it work-"he placed a finger on your lips "I was taught when I want something, take it before anyone else can" he said honestly. You began to shiver because you were so cold yet you felt so warm in the males arms "Here" he said taking off his dark gray hoodie and handed it to you looking away. You were hesatent to put it on but you did, his smell engulfed you and made you feel safe. "Come with me" he said as he began to walk back to the main road. Without questioning him you followed. "I've been watching you for a long time" he said. You could tell that he was an honest man. "That's creepy" you said and shoved him lightly, he chuckled "Well I mean you caught my eye, mostly your smile" he said looking up at the moon. You looked at him seeing how perfect his face looked in this lighting "You hungry" he asked looking at you, that's when you quickly looked away biting the inside of your cheek. You nodded slightly. "I can make you something. I live near by" he sounded a bit emotionless. "That sounds nice" you said softly.

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