•Thirty Six•

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Jinyoung smiled softly "I've never left" he said.

This kind of friendship never had happened to you. Any friendship hadn't until you met Jaebeom.

Jinyoung wiped the tears which started to form in his own eyes and smiled still.

Without words Jaebeom hugged him while wiping his face "I'm sorry for how I've treated you. It's just-".

Jinyoung interrupted "Don't be. I know why. It's alright, let's just move on and forward".

Wow is he good with his words. You thought and smiled.

The two boys caught up for a few before Jaebeom ended the conversation "Well I have to go see Cha now" he said

You and Jinyoung both looked shocked.

"We-We are" you said nervous due to the fact that you had never seen her other than at work.

Jaebeom gave a slight nod. "Text me, maybe we can go have a guys night some time" he said smiling.

Jinyoung nodddd "Yes sir-I mean Jae" he said hoping it was ok to use Jaebeoms old nickname.

The two of you left and got back in the car. Once you two were in you smiled "I'm proud of you" you said softly.

"I realized people other then just me and you matter last night. That I can't block people out" he said.

His response shocked you. "I'm glade" you said back and kissed his cheek.

It took about a half hour to be able to get to Cha's house and honestly it was huge, and right out of the city. Almost soundless.

When you pulled in the driveway another car could be seen.

"Yugyeom" he sighed.

"Yugyeom?" You asked confused.

He nodded and parked "It's my old friend and my soon to be brother-in-law" he answered .

You nodded and felt a pain start to grow in your stomach. Figuring it was just anxiety you ignored it and headed to the front door with him.

Once you two got there he knocked on it and waited for it to open.

"I got it" Cha could be heard saying as she opened the door. When she did she looked slightly confused and as beautiful as ever. Even if she was just in jean shorts and a tang top.

"Hello, Bong-Cha" you said with a smile, which made her smile.

She brushed her hair behind her ear "Just call me Cha-were basically family" she said giggling.

Jaebeom hugged her without saying anything.

Even though Cha was slightly shocked she hugged back.

I wonder when the last time they hugged was? You thought to yourself but said nothing due to the fact that you did not want to wreck this moment. Who knows when it would happen again.

When the hug broke she opened the door more and stepped aside "Come in, I was actually making some lemonade if you want some" she offered.

Surprisingly Jaebeom nodded and grabbed your hand as he walked in making you follow him. "That would be nice" he said actually smiling.

"Cha-Who is it-" Yugyeom could be heard saying as he stoped in the hall directly looking at Jaebeom. "Aish" he whispered yet it could be heard.

Cha closed the door and facepalmed "Shut it" she snapped looking at him. "The kitchen is to the left" she said showing you too.

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