•Twenty Eight•

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The next morning you woke up before him so you snuck to you room to get ready.

In your closet you found black dress pants and a tight white shrit, so you put that on. For shoes you chose red stilettos and put your hair up in a tight and neat pony tail.

"Looking good this morning, trying to match me today" Jaebeom teases standing in the doorway already dressed in his normal black suite.

You smiled softly "Maybe, is there a problem with that" you teased back making him smile.

"You ready to head" he asked.

You gave a quick nod and then the two of you headed to his car and got in. Most of the ride you would look out the window until he spoke.


"Yeah" you said, bringing your attention to him.

"Today you will be helping Jinyoung out with answering the phones and small things like that. Do not talk to anyone else without my permission.".

You nodded but then bit your lip "Why won't I be with you" you asked softly.

He sighed and stopped at a red light. "I need to do some work, I think it will also be good for you-"

"Why arnt you friends with him anymore" you asked confused as the car began to move again.

He took a long pause "I don't have friends" he said coldly. "My appa gave me shit because I has one friend".

You sighed "you are your own person now-".

"Enough" he said shutting it down as you pulled into the driveway and parked the car.

"I'm sorry" you say shyly. Only to get no response.

You both walked into the building silent and didn't speak until you reached the front of his office were Jinyoung sat.

"It's alright" he said randomly and walked away closing the door.

You sighed and sat down in an extra chair next to Jinyoung.

"Are you two alright" he asked putting the phone down.

You just nodded "Yea-I just over spoke. Don't worry about it-Now ah-What should I do" you asked looking around.

He smiled. "See that stack of papers, take them and stamp the top corner with this" he said handing a stamp to you.

You nodded and did as he said, trying to ignore this morning and what happened with Jaebeom.

"Jinyoung tell CEO that he has a meeting with Mr. Kim from corporate at eleven" Jackson said leaning on the desk.

You ignored the blond. "Alright will do" Jinyoung said pushing him off the desk "You could have just called me you know".

"I didn't feel like it, I needed to move" Jackson said laughing. "Gotta helper for the day I see" he said teasing.

"CEO Lim wanted her not to be bored so-" he got cut off.

"Y/N, lookin good" Jackson said catching you off garde.

"Jackson cut it, go do you job" Jinyoung said not wanting anything to start.

Jackson sighed "Fine, Fine only this time" he said and winked.

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