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The car ride to his work wasn't to bad, no bumps on the road, and barely any traffic. He pulled into a huge parking garage which looked as if it had ten levels or more. Thousands of cars could fit in there probably. He pulled into a space on the second level which had a sign saying 'CEO Jaebeom. Once again he got out of the car and opened the door for you closing it behind you once more. "Try not to talk to many people. Some of them don't like me to much" he said honestly as he opened the glass door to enter the building, inside was bigger then the parking garage. "We make electronics here, the first and second floors are were conferences and offices are held". You looked at the red carpet and all of the little cubbies with working people in them as you followed him to his office. Out side of it there was a small desk with a young man sitting there, his midnight black hair and plumped lips, fairly tan, in a white collard shirt and black dress pants. When he walked into the office before you he stopped and didn't let you in, he walked back out "Y/N stay out here, I need to talk to someone" he said firmly and you nodded seeing the man who made you feel safe walk away closing the door. "Y/N huh" the male said looking up from his computer, his eyes focused on you. "H-Hello" you said a bit shyly, he had a nice smile which made you smile. "I'm Park Jinyoung, the CEO's secretary" his voice sounded soft and kind. You smiled "I'm Y/N as you already know I suppose, I'm his-" you paused looking at your feet "His friend" you finally said looking back up. "He's cold isn't he" the male said catching your attention, you tucked your hair behind your ear. "W-What do you mean" you asked beginning to feel nervous. "Jaebeom hasn't always been this way you know. He used to smile a lot, laugh, and talk to everyone. Now, the last time I've seen him smile was three years ago as well as everything else. He only talks to people he hast to" Jinyoung finished sighing. "What changed" you asked knowing that prying into his personal life may get you in trouble but it would have been worth it to know. "When he became CEO. I have no clue why that changed him so much. Me and him used to be close a few years ago, so I know the real him. Sure he is a bit fucked up but I know he hasn't changed on the inside" he finished. You bit your lip slightly because of anxiety. "He's different then anyone I have ever met" you said softly. That's were the conversation stopped. The door of Jaebeom's office opened and another male with a suit on walked out leaving Jaebeom in the door way.

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