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The ringing of the phone on Jaebeom's desk interrupted the soft warm kiss which he broke sighing "Excuse me for a second" he said a bit annoyed. You began to move to get off of him but he stopped you "Don't move" he said sternly and you quickly nodded. You placed your head on his chest as he picked up the phone "Hello". You ignored most of the conversation taking place, instead you listened to his heart beat. Once of his hands was resting on your leg so you lightly grabbed it beginning to play with his fingers. He smiled and then paid his attention back to the phone call which ended within a few minutes, when he placed the phone down he looked down at you "You hungry" he asked softly. You honestly weren't to too hungry so you shrugged. He bit his lip a little "Tonight I'm planing on taking you out to a new restaurant that opened a few days ago" he said coldly. "Like a date" you asked softly. Just even the thought of it began to make your face turn red which only got worse when you saw him nod. A few hours passed when he told you it was time to head home and you arrived there. "Go to your room and get a nice dress on" he said coldly walking to his room, quickly you nodded and went to and into your room quickly. As you opened the closet immediately one dress stands out to you. A tight red dress. Without a thought you grabbed it out of your closet and got dressed in it. You walked into the bathroom to look at your self in the big mirror next to the shower, it showed your curves perfectly. "I should do something with this" you said playing with your hair a little bit. After trying a few different things with your hair you finally decided on putting it up nearly in a bun, now it was time for shoes. You walked back to your closet which was still open and found a pair of black stilettos which you slipped on and closed the closet. With a deep breath you opened the door and walked down the hall and to the living room we're you saw him. You paused as he looked you up and down, he was still in his suit from before but looked even better now for some odd reason. "Good enough" he said smugly and walked out of the building and to his car getting in quickly. You sighed, his reaction was not what you were hoping for. Putting on a fake smile you walked out to the car carefully getting in as he began to start it. "Jaebeom" you said softly seeing him grip the wheel a bit tightly, he was looking ahead of him "What". You placed one of your hands on his softly and kissed his cheek "Im glad I met you" you wisperd. This was the first time you saw his cheeks turn a bit pink.

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