•Fourty Three•

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When you woke up the next morning he was ready dressed and out of bed. A sudden urge to puke rushed over you and you nearly ran to the bathroom.

Luckily you just barely made it to the toilet before getting sick. And when Jaebeom walked into the room.

"Y/N you alright" he asked toneless walking in.

You nodded "Just morning sickness " you said before getting sick again.

Jaebeom slowly held you hair back out of your face and stroked your cheek "This will be worth it in the end" he said and smiled softly.

"What would your parents think, I mean we're not even married yet and we're expecting a child".

He just sighed at first and wiped your face with a warm towel. "If I cared what they thought I wouldn't have proposed to you, or been in love with you-now uh go get ready for work today" he said changing to subject.

You blushed a lot "Will do" you answered getting up and going to your room, and to your closet.

A cute, fairer out, white with yellow striped dress sat in there "Perfect" you said pulling it out and putting it on. As well as a pair of black pumps.

Your hair went into a simple high tail and you made sure to fix your bangs. No makeup suited you well today.

As you went to walk out of your room you saw Jaebeom in your door way with two cups of coffee "I like that on you" he said handing you one.

You smiled and took it "Thank you, I do too" you added softly taking a sip, before you did you saw a small heart in it.

You blushed and placed it on your dresser for a second so you were able to kiss him softly, "Lets head out" you said softly.

Once the two of you put your coffee into the sink, you both left the apartment and got into his car heading to the company.

After about a half hour the two of you arrived and got out heading to go see Jinyoung.

When you got to the desk and sat down next to Jinyoung he looked upset. "What's wrong" you asked looking at him, once Jaebeom was in his office of corse.

"Cha and me used to date, but the night I was going to propose she left me, saying it was her job to" he answered.

"Well why can't you be with her" you asked dumbfounded.

He looked at you and sighed "Because the family needs to become bigger-richer. Im just me-".

"So what. I'm with Jaebeom and I was poor, I still am-".

"This is different she hast to because Jaebeom won't" he said almost snapping as you sighed.

You said nothing just looked at your hands.

"She's pregnant you know-" you said softly.

"-Yes, I know. Of course I would know when someone was pregnant because of me" he sighed not realizing he said that all out loud.

"W-What-" you said surprised.

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