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Light seeped into your room making the pink walls visible and made the white sheets look lighter. You could hear the beeping of car horns and of song birds chirping a soft little song. Your door slowly creaked open causing you to look in it's direction. "You hungry" he asked coldly once more. His footsteps to the side of your bed were louder then all the noise out side or at least it distracted you from it. You began to sit up and nodded running your fingers threw your dark hair to make sure it wouldn't be or get all tangled. He walked to the closet in your room and opened it revealing dress after dress and shoes too, it looked like every color possible was in there. Pulling out a small black dress which was lose after the waste, he grabbed a pair of black stilettos and placed them on the bed. Then went to the small dresser grabbing a black lace bra and matching underwear and placed it on the bed as well. "Put this on before you come out" he said sternly before leaving shutting the door a bit loud. You looked at the clothes for a minute before changing into them "He has good taste" you wisperd to your self once you looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror. You made sure to use some of the perfume that was left in the bathroom as well as brush your teeth. Walking into the hall, the smell of bacon overwhelmed you "He can cook too" you whispered to yourself once more. You entered the kitchen only for him to point you to the dinning room were you finally took your seat seeing a bowl of eggs, a plate of toast already buttered with some jelly substance on the side, some bacon, and lastly some orange juice in his cup and yours. You waited for him for a minute before he walked in. When he sat down he picked up the bowl and took some of the eggs and some of the other food "Eat" he said with a mouth full pointing to the food. You quickly nodded and took a piece of toast, a bit of eggs, and two strips of bacon. You ate slowly compared to him. When he finished he wiped his face and watched you. "How did you sleep" he asked clearing his throat, you gave him a forced smile "Ah-it was good. Thank you" you said wiping your mouth and nodding your head quickly. He stood up and picked a few things up and brought them to the kitchen so you did as well "I can do the dishes" you said placing the things on the counter. He nodded slightly. "Don't break anything" he warned and kissed your forehead all before he left the room and headed to his study. You ran the water making sure it was hot before rubbing each plate with soap all before washing it off. You couldn't help but wonder what he was doing now.

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