•Fourty Eight•

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"Please come soon" you whisperer softly to yourself hopping that the man would not hear.

"Come out little girl, its time to go on a ride" he said opining the door harshly instantly seeing you, "Ah-there you are-" gunshots could be heard "-What the" the man said closing the door again.

"Who are you" the man asked out side the closet. "Your worst fucken nightmare" Jaebeom said and then a gunshot could be heard. "No-Jaebeom-" you said covering your mouth.

Soon after the door opened and there he was-Jaebeom. Blood was running down his lip and his face was scratched up as well as a wound on his arm.

Quickly you stood up and ran into his arms hugging him tight, crying. "Jaebeom" you cried and hugged tighter, feeling his arms wrap around you tight. "I said I would never let anyone hurt you Y/N" he whispered in your ear a kissed your head.

Once you were calmer, he sat you down on the bed and held your hand.

"Who were toughs people Jae" you asked sniffling.

"-There are some things that you don't know about me-I wanted to tell you but-".

"-But what".

"A lot of people want me dead, that's all I can say for your safety".

"Soon it will be one more if you don't tell me everything right now Lim Jaebeom" you said getting up mad.

He tried to make you sit down again but gave up. "I owe a lot of people money".

"Why not give it to them-".

"Because then they will think little of me-and that is not an option" he said looking away.

"Are you really the man I married, or were you lying to me the whole time" You yelled, almost in tears again.

Quickly he stood up "Don't you yell at me" he said getting mad "I am-and everyone has a past, okay" he said yelling out of breath. "Okay" he said a bit quieter shocked in himself. Without a word he pulled you into his arms. "I wanted to keep you safe Y/N" he whispered softly.

You placed your head on his chest and a few tears rolled off of your face "I know Jaebeom, I know" you whispered back and wrapped your arms around his waste. "What are you going to do about the mess here-" you began to ask but he was a step a head of you.

"I have some guys who will fix it back up-for tonight we will go sleep at a near by hotel" he said pushing you away slightly, and walking away to make a call.

"Yes-Jinyoung, call the clean up guys and tell them I need this mess cleaned up by tomorow morning-yes-thank you" he said and hung up already by the door. "You ready" he asked opening it.

With a soft nod you followed him out of the door and to the car. "Jaebeom-why do you owe them money" you asked looking at the window as he drove.

He was silent for a few minutes and then he spoke "Let's just drop it for tonight, alright" he said trying not to snap.


"I said drop it, Y/N" he said stopping the car harshly, then continuing.

"fine, but you will tell me oppa" you said softly and pouted looking out the window still.

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