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As you two got closer to the road the more anxious you got. "The moon is so beautiful" you said quietly and trying to break the quietness. You were still distracted by him, not paying attention to were you were walking. You felt your foot hit a root and you lost your balance falling backwards only for him to catch you. His face was a bit close to yours when he helped you up, you could feel his warm breath against your lips. He glanced at your lips and you did the same and that's when it happened. He kissed you. It felt wrong but also so right. You pushed him away and stood up wiping your lips "The hell" you said loudly wanting to smack him, he chuckled "There is going to be more then just a kiss soon" he said quietly. You looked away "Your a perv that's what you are" you as of now didn't like anything about this boy. Sure he was handsome and his lips were soft and he gave you a warm safe feeling, but he it was like he was making you into some sort of slave. A burst of cold air hit you, instantly you began to shake. You tried to distract yourself from how cold you were by looking around. The way the trees were made it so little moonlight could be seen hitting the ground and it almost looked like a path. Sitting in a tree up ahead, an owl could be sitting perched on a small branch in the moon light. You could see the bright and dark green leaves perfectly because of the slight light that seeped threw the canopy of trees. Then you looked to your left almost forgetting that the male was there. The moon light reflected off of his shiny brown hair, it almost made his skin glow. You looked him up and down, white sneakers, black riped jeans, what looked like a white shirt, and a red zip up. It looked warm. As you looked at him you could see that his hand was close to yours and every now and then it would make contact with yours, sending chills down your spine. The good kind. "We're are we going" you asked quickly snapping out of the thought of him being attractive. He looked at your for a second with his dark brown eyes, making contact with your for less than a second before speaking. "My apartment" he said with no emotion, you looked at your feet watching as your black sneakers kicked at the grown softly. "How much further is it" your voice sounded weak, which figured because you had been running for a while before you bumped into him. "Not far. Why were they chasing you" he stopped trying to change the topic. You stopped a bit in front of him and began to play with your hair "I'm n-not sure" you lied hopping he wouldn't be able to tell. He did. He could tell.

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