Wildcat X MiniLadd

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A/N - So i've heard Craig is British but idk so just pretend.

The club, not an unusual setting for Tyler. But for Craig, a whole new experience. The two venture deep into the loud, humid room. Bumping shoulders with other creators, getting a few hello's and the sometimes a glare from drunk passers. 

Everyone inside this building, aside from the bartenders, Tyler and Craig, was white girl wasted. Totally out of their minds. Granted, Tyler was a bit tipsy as he and Craig had a few shots pre-club. Tyler was a bit of a light weight but Craig could drink and still have a right state of mind.  

Now back to the club, today was a special day because once every year, every creator, reaching from singers, youtubers, artists, writers, could come to Evan, or Vanoss's club. This way you could do whatever and the police wouldn't get as involved. There was all kinds of alcohol, drugs, activities. A massive stage in the right corner, bars littering the edges and bathrooms upstairs. 

Everyone was here, it was amazing, you had creators fly over from all around the world. People would try and sneak in to try and understand why it was such a big deal. The party would start from 6Pm to 5Am the next morning, people staying up all night, drinking, vomiting, fucking, you name it. 

Craig never usually went out to clubs, in fact he purposely didn't, not wanting to deal with the aftermath. He'd also never dealt with drugs, thats why tonight would be such a disaster. 

Tyler on the other hand always went out partying. Even if there was no occasion or he had no money. The club was a comforting place where he could drink away all his problems and deal with them another time. 

By the time midnight struck, Tyler was very intoxicated, Craig keeping an eye on him. Unfortunately, Craig was pulled aside by some chick and Tyler was left alone, in his own little drunken mind. He stumbles up to the top of the 5 story rooftop, his tall figure + alcohol making a bad mix. He stumbles to the end of the edge and looks down at the bright lights of the city. 

"Tyler..." Craig whispers as he inches closer, afraid of what might happen if he isn't carful. 

Tyler turns around, eyes glossy and a stone cold face on. 

"What are you doing?" The Brits voice cracking. 

"I would say something like, i'm sorry. But it's better this way, I love you, Craig" Before Craig had a chance to register anything, Tyler had stepped, he'd taken the leap of faith. Craig rushes over to the edge, eyes already spilling out water, sobs echoing through his mind as he looks down at Tylers life-less body, blood spilling out of his mouth and head, covering the pathway in a crimson, evil colour. Something Craig had wished would never happen. 

Craig sits there, body shaking and sobbing uncontrollably. He can't move. Like he's been paralysed. Craig always knew Tyler had something bottled up but he didn't know it would end like this. He tried asking Tyler about it but never got a proper response. 

Eventually someone calls the police after discovering the body and paramedics shut down the party, taken Craig from the rooftop and dealt with the crowd of intoxicated people. 

Craig gets once last glance at Tylers body being pulled onto a stretcher, cloths drenched in the crimson colour. Another sob cracking between his lips as the sheet is pulled over the body and taken away. Craig starts feeling dizzy, lightheaded and like he's going to throw up. Then he hears the familiar voice in his ears, understanding immediately who it was, but it sounded far away. 

"Craig, wake up. Please. Craig, please, this isn't funny" Craig turns his head around, unbelieving what he's hearing. 

Soon his vision goes black, then his eyes snap open again, adjusting to the bright lights of the club, he meets the beautiful and comforting face of Tyler, he blinks a couple times, then jolts up and wraps his arms around Tylers neck, melting into his touch, he burry's his face into the crook of the Americans neck. 

"W-what happened" Craigs sobs out. Not letting go of Tyler. 

"You took some LSD and then passed out, I couldn't wake you up so i just brought you to lay down. You've been out for approximately an hour" Tyler explains, hugging Craig back and just letting him cry it out. 

"I like you Tyler, a lot, fuck I even think I love you. I thought I lost you, I thought you died. If you died without me telling you this I couldn't live with myself, so please just trust me when I say I love you, Tyler, I really do" Tyler, surprised but mostly relieved at these words, smiles and rubs his back, not caring what anyone thinks. 

"I love you too Craig" He places a kiss to the Brits forehead. "And now I have a reason to live". 

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