Zuckles X SwaggerSouls

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A/N - Gonna start posting my art 😤 I am extremely unmotivated rn and all my assessments are up so this is short and soft. also city girls just released their new album and i'm crying its so pretty.

"You need help with what now?" Swagger asks, following Mason into the Youngers room, looking at the piles of paper and folders scattered around the room, the shorter male having to use the max of his leg length to not crush the paper.

"Grade9math," Mason mumbles at a rather fast pace, too fast for swagger to catch, the teen sits down with his legs crossed and arms folded. 

"Haha, what?" Swags sits down a little away from the boy, separated by a tower of books, school books now he gets a better look, "Are you doing homework?"

"I thought it would be easy," Mason grumbles, more to himself, twisting the pencil around in his hands, like the coolest kid in class. 

"Wow no nicotine is really taking its toll, huh,"

"You can leave," Mason retorts, pointing to the door with an annoyed expression, but Swags can see right past it. The teen was as readable as a child, he may be saying and looking like one thing, but in his eyes you can see their true emotion.

"Ok, Ok, what is it you need help with?" 

"If B = 20cm, H = 24cm, D = 52cm and C = 26cm, What's the surface area of a rectangular prism when needed to equal to 1000 to power 0.03 watts per centimetre squared?"

"How long have you been doing this for?"

"Uh, a couple, hours," Mason shrugs, visibly tired and frustrated.

"I think you should have a break-," 

"No!" Mason shouts, "I can't leave this question blank," The boy grabs a pencil and starts underlining things, circling other parts of questions, hunched over the worksheet. 

Swags stands up and moves over to Mason, avoiding anything in his path, gently placing a hand to the boys shoulder, startling him and watching at his eyes flicker towards the elder, "It's time for a break," 

"No, no it's not, you don't understand," Mason murmurs, voice shaky, almost teary. 

"C'mon," Swagger gently guides the boy to his feet, resting a hand on his back as they weave through the precious papers, clearing the bed and letting Mason sit down, "Go to sleep or you won't function tomorrow," 

"Wait, uh-."

Swags turns the light off and looks at the teen again, "All good?" 

"Can you- um, stay?" Masons asks, crawling under the covers, very, slowly. 

Swagger smiles but says nothing, instead closes the door and moves to the bed, watching as Mason moves over so the boy can comfortably fit in the bed and under the blankets, turning on his side and placing an arm over Masons shoulder, Mason wriggling forwards to not let Swaggers body heat escape, said boy taking a moment to study the teen who has the cutest sleepy face pressed on. 

A few silent but comfortable moments pass of staring into each others eyes, Mason mumbles, "Thanks," Then leans his head in closer to Swaggers chest, pacing his breath. 


"Not letting me go all night,"

"You're making it sound like we have sex," Mason smirks at the response and points a finger at him in warning, his expression soon softening and going back to his peaceful space once again, "It's ok, I mean, what are friends for,"

"You cuddle your friends on a daily basis?"

"No homo,"

"Mhmm, a little homo,"

"That's gay dude,"

"Pride month?"

"Shut up and go to sleep you homo,"

"Love you,"

"Love you too, Mason," 

A/N - like i said, unmotivated 

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