SwaggerSouls X Zuckles

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A/N - Im sick and i see no point in living anymore. Using Eric. Zuckles and Swaggers (eyes) are so feckin cute. 

Mason had been gone awhile now, the messages on his phone continue to blink, a sound that was driving the boys insane at this point. The constant light which drags them away from their movie, eyes boring into the phone as it begs for attention. 

"Oh my fuck- Matt turn it off" Jay begs, ready to put fist to wall. 

"Why me? Erics closer" Matt complains, tossing the conversation the Americans way, eyes glaring at him. 

"Fucks sake, he wouldn't be mad if we touched it right?" Eric asks looking at the phone, hand itching to see who it was. 

"I assume not, he moves our stuff all the time. Don't read whats on it and flick silent" Cam instructs, moving his attention back to the movie. Followed by everyone except Toby, who stayed watching Eric.

"Why aren't you touching his phone?" Toby whispers to Eric, leaning in a bit closer. Eric looks over at him, shrugs and turns back to the phone, slowly grabbing it and flicking silent. Then returning to the movie, mind racing of what the messages could say. 

The movie ended not too long after, Eric not really knowing anything that happened as his mind was elsewhere. Toby notices the distress and pokes his side. "We're going to bed, check if the messages are still going". 

This time Eric has no problem grabbing the phone and flipping it around, to find the messages are still coming, "anything urgent?" Toby whispers, leaning over Erics shoulder, whose eyes are now wide. 

"How...?" Eric chokes out, composing himself and looking back at Toby, whose expression is unreadable. 

"Hey Cam! Cam, Look" Toby says quickly, jumping up from his seat and motioning to the phone. 

"I thought I said not to look at it?" Cam asks in his motherly voice, raising a brow and walking forward. 

"What if it was urgent? which... technically it is." Toby argues, using his hands to express the words. Cam nods slowly, taking the phone from Erics grasp and inspecting it. 

"Holy shit" Cam turns back to see the others standing at the bottom of the stairs looking at them, "Does anyone know where Mason is?". 

Everyone shakes their heads. "The front door didn't open, meaning he's still in the house, or on the house? or in the pool, but he can't swim so-"

"Jay stop rambling. Split up, if you find him, just yell I guess" Matt affirms, walking upstairs. Toby walking around all the bottom floors, Eric checking the outside, Cam snooping in everyones room. Jay climbing to the roof. 

"Mason?" Jay startles, catching the boy off guard as he whips his head around so fast, whiplash was very close to becoming a reality. 

"Hey, sorry but that movie was boring as shit" Mason laughs, standing up and walking towards the Kiwi. 

"I'm so offended, I don't think we can be friends" Jay jokes, and turns his head up, clutching his heart. 

"I can't even remember what it was called" Masons continues, handing Jay the joint. Which he gratefully accepts, "I shared my blunt, we're best friends".

"Oh by the way everyones looking for you and apparently it's really important" Jay says nonchalantly, as if it wasn't a big topic, despite the panicking boys downstairs.

"Everyone is always looking for me, I can't go anywhere anymore" Mason complains, looking down to his feet and shuffling around. 

"I wouldn't say that, everyone cares about you. I mean it's not all bad. I could disappear for a month and everybody would think I just went on a vacation" Jay admits, looking at the joint before passing it back to the Aussie. 

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