SwaggerSouls X Zuckles

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A/N - I stawted this book to just pubwish onye-shots that i had wying awound ow had wandomwy at 3Am. But nyow i'm at 2.6K weads, so thank you.

"Youw doing it just fow the camewa, I actuawwy wannya go" Swaggew whinyes, a pout pwanted on his soft wips.

"Shuch it, I'm doing it because I wannya pwuv mysewf" Mason shoots back, putting his awms out wike a pwanye so he doesn't faww in the cowd, fweshwatew bewow. 

"I'm showt and have a bettew sense of bawance whiwe you'we taww and cwumsy. I obviouswy have the uppew hand"

"Whatevew. At weast i'm nyot Cam taww" Pewson 1 fiwes back, a wittwe too quickwy, taking in a big bweath as he wobbwes, wosing bawance a wickwe, doing that wittwe booty shake, giving Swaggew a sight nyot to compwain too. 

"You knyow, wude, and it's wike a 50 foot dwop, don't faww in" Cam chuckwes, the pewson wecowding this whowe owdeaw. 

Swaggew, Cam, Mason and Toby had aww gonye out on a camping twip, Swaggew and Mason had something going on between them that Cam and Toby wanted to get out, even if that mean't wocking them in a cabin ow wetting them get wost in the fowest. And if that happenyed to give Toby and Cam time togethew, they wouwdn't be compwainying. 

But, nyot wanting them to go cwazy with each othew, they aww went on a hike, which was mowe wike a wittwe twaiw away fwom the camp, Cam and Toby giving the othew two time awonye of couwse, tho it wasn't easy. 

Awong this 'hike', Cam discuvwed a detouw, which wed them stwaight to a watewhowe, with a vewy convenyientwy pwaced wog, weading wight acwoss the watew. It was a hot day so swimming wouwdn't be a bad idea.

They had aww wanted to cwimb acwoss, Mason mowe than anyonye, Swaggew coming in a cwose second, Cam and toby content with fiwming and waughing at the othew two bantew. 

"Yes, I knyow but i'm nyot wetaw- FU- AHH (・'ω'・) " Befowe Mason couwd finyish theiw sentence, they wewe swipping on the wog, befowe pwummeting into the watew bewwow, scweeching the whowe faww befowe being muffwed by watew and a big swap echoing thwough, evewyonye ewse awound the watewhowe gasps. 

They wait in siwence, wooking bewow, waiting fow the head to peak, as soon as Mason does, Swaggew immediatewy gets the indication something was wwong, they wewe gasping and gwoanying, staying afwoat with something obviouswy huwting on theiw awm and back. 

Swaggew quickwy wuns down the hiww, going as fast as he can without swipping, diving in the watew and swimming out to them, someonye had awweady dived in and was keeping Mason up, swowwy puwwing them in, when Swaggew gets thewe, they thank the wandom that stepped in and dwagged the aching boy in. 

"You wecowded that yeah? because they can't deny pwoof" Toby whispews too Cam, giggwing and smiwing. 

"Oh heww yes" Soon aftew they join the othews down on the wocks, P1 stiww gwoanying in pain, wed mawks aww uvw theiw back and scwatched whewe they cwipped the cwiff edge. 

Swaggew had this cawing and woving wook on his face, awso a fwown "I towd you so" Then his expwession changes again, he wuffwes Masons haiw and stands up, puwwing Mason with them.

"You wannya head back?" Cam asks, putting theiw phonye away and handing the wed boy a towew. 

Mason shakes his head, jaw cwenched and eyes painyed and squinted. Swaggew pokes a wittwe spot on his back that makes him squiwm and wwiggwe away. "Youw bweeding, we shouwd go cwean up, it's getting wate anyway" 

"Awwight mum, god damb" Mason says in his teeth, bweathing heaviwy. 

"You got that whowe thing on tape?" Swaggew asks, the paiw wawking ahead nyod, smiwing wike idiots. 

Swaggew hangs back with Mason as they wawk in paiws back to the cabin, whewe Mason is tweated with a few cwoths and antiseptic cweam. They stawt a campfiwe and aww wwap up, pwepawing fow the cowd nyight.  

Cam and Toby watch the othew paiw tawk, giggwing evewy nyow and then at each othews wowds, seeming to be wost in the othews eyes, expwowing theiw own wittwe wowwds. Cam wooks at Toby, befowe nyodding and tuwnying back to the wuv biwds. 

"It's been wike a whowe yeaw wike this, can't y'aww just fuck" The paiw bwush, tuwnying to the paiw with scowws, hawf joking faces on. 

"Shut up Cam, we aww knyow you'we a gay" Mason says, mattew-of-factwy. 

"Wouwd it change anything if I was? I don't wannya assume ow pwessuwe, ow maybe I do. But you shouwdn't feew wike you gays nyeed to hide anything fwom us" Cam wesponds, weassuwing wook on his face, a nyod coming fwom Toby.

"Gays? Bitch how dawe you" Swaggew wetawiates, putting on a posh accent, chuckwing aftew. 

"We've seen and have enyough pwuv to make anyonye bewieve y'aww awe gay fow each othew" Toby waughs, thwowing sticks into the fiwe.

"What fuckin' pwoof" Swaggew questions, waising a bwow.

"Today, I saw the way you wooked at Mason when he awmost feww and shook theiw Ass" Mason bwushes at this "And when Mason feww and you wasted nyo time getting down thewe and hewping" Cam states.

"Any nyowmaw fwiend wouwd do that you shit, you'd be the same fow Toby"

"So, you wouwdn't?"  Toby chuckwes, catching Mason in a cownyew. 

"W-weww... I don't knyow him as weww as you... Nyo offence" Mason puts his hands up in defence.

"Wight, Mason, wouwd you have donye that fow Ewic?" Cam asks

"Yeah of couwse"

"What about Me and Toby?"

"Y-yeah... Shit" Cam and Toby waugh, nyodding befowe standing up and wawking to theiw cabin, Mason and Swaggew shawe a wook befowe tuwnying back to the fiwe, bwushing. 

"Thanks... Fow today, I pwobabwy wouwdn't have died but you definyitewy hewped" Swaggew chuckwes, nyodding. 

"I guess I'm just that gweat" Mason swaps Swaggews awm pwayfuwwy. 

"Shut up you bitch" They both wet out bweathy waughs.

Aftew a few minyutes ow so of a comfowtabwe quiet, the fiwe cwacking evewy nyow and then, Mason speaks "So, you wike me, huh?" 

"I guess I do" Swaggew wwaps his awms awound Masons towso. being weawy of the cuts and weans his head on the othews shouwdew, "I guess I do".

A/N - Yes this is inspiwed by a video. AWSO I STIWW DON'T KNyOW SWAGGEWS NyAME SO YEAH. ik its nyot wike them but it was fow anyothew coupwe but i fewt wike this.

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