Draco X Harry

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A/N - lol its modern day 

Draco sat up in his bed, his bare feet touching the ground which sent a chill up his spine from the cold wooden floor. The boy groaned and rubbed his face rather dramatically, leaning over to rest on his elbow as he grabbed his phone. 

The luminous light hitting his eyes like a bullet, he groaned again and blinked before turning down the brightness and studying his screen, 


Draco huffed and gazed at the top of the phone, "yikes," he whispered to himself while scanning the time and date; Sunday 4:28am. figuring there was nothing else to do and since his parents were out of town for a few weeks Draco took this opportunity, not to have a wank, but to walk down to the beach and enjoy the peace and quiet of the sunrise before people get there.

he pulled on some black jeans with an Adidas hoodie and slipped on some chequered vans. The boy took his phone off charge and grabbed the house keys before setting off down the hill where his families mansion sat atop of. While many people would be honoured to live in a mansion, Draco felt so alone and isolated, he never had many friends, to be fair he wasn't the warmest person you've ever met.

But he wasn't the coldest, and he sure as hell had a warm, soft spot for a certain someone. That someone who stole his heart, stripped his walls down and made him feel warm and safe every time they talked, is Harry Potter. 

But of course Draco would fall for the one straight guy he knew.

Draco wouldn't know what to do with himself if they ever stopped talking, if Harry finally had enough of him. There was this one time where Harry went to a school camp and couldn't to talk to Draco for 3 days and the blonde almost panic brought 3 kittens. of course, he could only manage 1 so now he has a cat called Tyson.

Walking past all the shut family businesses that he knew all too well, the street lights softly shining on the street, hinting at a yellow glow. Draco let a smile curl into the corner of his lips, his nose inhaling a fresh breath of salty air, exhaling from his mouth as he watched his own breath show through the crisp wind.

Draco walked down the stairs to the sand, it sunk beneath him with every step he took, he gazed out at the water, the moon glow dancing along the ripples in the water as the smallest waves washed up against the shore. The boy knew he was safe, alone, but safe. As he took another deep breath in and out he felt the weight of the world wash away in the swell. 

He felt as if every worry that was burdening him was gone, he was free for awhile. It was just him and the waves. 

Draco walked down closer to the water, noticing the sand had become hard and less shifty. He looked out onto the open ocean and watched the flickering lights of distant ships dance along the horizon. The smile tugging in the corner of his lips was stuck. This was a feeling he never wanted to loose. The birds in the trees behind him starting to chirp, as it reached close to 5:30, the boy wondered where the time had gone.

Suddenly he noticed his phone light up from his waist, he checked the notification,

5:37am : Pottah  : Enjoying the view?

Draco, puzzled, turns around to find Harry standing on the top of the rocks near the end of the beach, he smiled even brighter than before, he struggled to take his lips back down to a line but gave in and watched as the boy he loved so much walked down to him, dressed in black jeans with a rip on his left leg, a grey shirt tucked into the jeans and a cardigan complimenting his glasses perfectly, god he looked good. 

"How'd you know I was here?" Draco felt his cheeks and ears heat up, he knew he was going red, thank god it was dark he thought to himself.

"Snapmaps," Harry smiled and exhaled heavily as if to laugh.

"What are you doing up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep so I figured I'd come see you but you weren't at home, and holy shit it's so beautiful tonight," Harry turned to the ocean, the sun peaking over the horizon, the slightest tinge of yellow on the water.

"I know right," Draco turned back to the water, too embarrassed to look the other in the eye,

"You should let more people in to this side of you yakno," Harry said, grabbing Draco's hand, catching the blonde off guard as was pulled to the soft sand and guided down so they were both sitting down. Draco was blushing intensely now, as was the sun peaking more over the edge. Draco simply hummed in response, their hands still connected, the blonde grasping tightly. What a lovely surprise this was. "Can I tell you something?" Harry asked, neither of them facing each other. Draco hummed again.

"I like you, a lot," Draco's eyes widened more than he thought was possible, "Like more than a friend a lot," Harry was blushing madly now, the sun's yellow tint on both their faces. 

"Fuck- really?" Draco stuttered his words out, why would this be happening now? why? how? why him? millions of questions infiltrated his mind, he licked his lips, now noticing how dry they are, he felt his throat getting smaller, his hands suddenly became clammy. 

Harry let out a breathy laugh, "Yeah," both boys looked at each other at the same time, their eyes locking each others gaze, Harry seemed to be keeping his cool a lot better than Draco. The blonde struggled to find the words. It's not like he hadn't dreamt about this moment, although it went a lot smoother in his head. 

Harry smiled and shook his head, watching in awe as the boy known for being so rough and cold, stammered over his words to a confession. Harry grabbed the back of Draco's head with his hand and kept his other hand grasped onto the blondes. 

Draco almost screamed, he was sure he squealed into the kiss, but he wasn't sure, he couldn't hear anything over his heart, the amount of adrenaline running through his veins could bring the dead back to life. But almost in an instant everything clicked, in a split second he went from frozen to kissing back to boy of his dreams. 

Harry smiled into the kiss as he felt Draco come back to reality and lightly tugged on his hair. Draco moved his free hand to hold onto Harry's shirt, the kiss becoming rougher by the second. Harry bit Draco's lip lightly and Draco gladly opened his mouth for him, Harry raked his hand through the silky blonde hair before pulling away, hearing Draco verbally whine as a trail of saliva was left between them. 

"We should continue this at your house, but for now, let's just enjoy the sunrise," Harry suggested and put an arm around Draco's shoulder and guiding him to rest of Harry's chest. The blonde felt like he was on top of the world, he felt like this was a dream, a different reality from his own. But this was real and it was happening.

The pair watched as the sun slowly rose over the horizon, sunlight licking every inch of surface, orange light bouncing off every object. The lights of the boats disappearing and the street lights that once glowed yellow turned off. More and more birds chirping and the number of cars increasing, the waves of the beach getting louder and louder and the tide becoming so high it was basically touching their feet. Eventually, after hearing the bells of the family stores open, they sat up and walked back to the mansion together, fingers laced together. 

Draco finally didn't feel alone, he felt like the last piece of his puzzle was finally found.

He was truely happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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