Joshy X Jaw

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A/N - So they're pretty fuckin cute together. So I did a lil happy story. Using Jaw as name. oh btw i made a new insta @egirlfactory.jpg we just turn people into egirls. 

Josh sat on the cold step, feet slanted towards each other, one leg bouncing up and down at a steady pace. The warm air mixing with his hair as it ignites the end of the cigarette, glowing under the night sky. 

Bringing the cancer to his lips, inhaling a big puff and letting it linger, coating his lungs and throat before exhaling through his nose, watching the smoke coil up and get pushed away with the breeze. Josh stares up at the stars, eyes darting around, searching for a destination. 

Nina had been under his skin lately, crawling around and scratching at every nook and cranny, hitting all the right spots for the wrong reasons. The brit had become so fed up that he left her, for good this time. 3 times in the past Nina had been caught, Josh, to blinded by what he thought was love, continued to forgive her, and so the cycle repeated. 

"Hey man I noticed you left a little earlier, you all good?" Josh turns around with his eyebrows raised, unable to identify the voice. 

"Yeah I'm fine, why were you watching me?" Josh questions, pushing the tip of the bud into the ground, then flicking it off to the side before rising to his feet, concluding that he is shorter than the man before him. 

The man shrugged "You seemed off". Josh studies the mans face again, this time looking like he's searching for something, making the stranger give him an odd look. "You ok-",

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Josh asks suddenly, interrupting the man.

"Daniel...? We met yesterday on the train, you're at my house!" Daniel shouts, gesturing to the house before him. 

"Yeah ok, it's slowly piecing itself back together" Josh mumbles, rubbing his temples before shrugging again, "Can I stay the night?". Daniel rolls his eyes before stepping aside, watching as Josh walks inside and waits for instructions, still half conscious of what's happening. 

"Down the hall, second door to the left. Guest bedroom, breakfast is usually served around 9!" Daniel shouts as Josh walks to the room, nodding in appreciation before closing the door, running his fingers through his hair and frowning in frustration. 

"Fuck, what the fucking am I forgetting?" Flexing his hands in aspiration and then tightly clenching. As if it was the secret cheat code to his mind. 

"Oh, right. Phone" The brit whispers to himself, a breathy laugh falling from his lips as he plugs the cord in, falling face first into the pillow, not moving and enjoying the feeling of the soft material. Softly shoving his face out and taking in a gasp of air, the brit flutters his eyes shut, drifting off into dream land. 

"Josh! A friend is here for you!" Daniels voice echos into the room, the hangover that creeps onto Josh suddenly feels like a ton of bricks. Groaning and gripping his hair, eyes fluttering open only to immediately shut them again, the light from the open curtains beaming in, illuminating the groaning boy perfectly. The smell of alcohol and smoke can be identified within 10 feet. 

"Josh?" The familiar voice perks pained boy up, the door creaking open to reveal the person he'd been wanting to see, peer in through the gap, eyes widening at the sight. Josh then remembers the state he's in and murmurs curses before pulling the covers up and over his face. "That's what I forgot...".

"Wow you look like shit" Jaw chuckles, walking into the room and setting some water and aspirin down on the bedside table. Josh pokes his eyes out of the sheets, smiling sheepishly before pointing to the curtains. Jaw grins and shakes his head happily, pulling the curtains shut and walking back to the bed, sitting on the edge.

"Hey, sorry you have to see... this" Josh starts, looking down at himself, gulping down the medicine and water, then continuing "I lost track of time and everything's been a big mess recently" The brit was interrupted by Jaws smile. 

"What's so funny?" 

"I knew this would happen, is all"

"Oh bullshit"

"No, really. How do you think I knew to come get you? You're literally sleeping in a strangers bed, I mean do you even remember his name?" Jaw questions, the contagious smile making its way to Josh's face. 

"Yes!" Josh scoffs, an offended look on his face. 



"Ok, I believe you. Can we go home?"

"Please" Josh says in a desperate tone, lifting his legs from the bed and yawning, Jaw standing and grabbing the Brits hands, pulling him up, earning a groan as his head falls back effortless. 

"I'm so tired" Josh whines, a disorientated face looking towards Jaw, attention craving. 

"Maybe you should stop drinking" Jaw replies sassily, smirking and walking them out the room and into the main living area where Daniel is sitting on the couch. 

"You missed breakfast- oh you leaving?" The house owner asks, turning around and smiling at the two. 

"Yeah we'll get outa ya hair, thanks for letting him stay" Jaw thanks, smiling and wrapping an arm around Josh, one reason to stable to swaying boy and another is just for comfort. 

"No problem, come anytime. Bye Josh!" Daniel smiles, waving.

"Cya Nathaniel" Josh waves, turning on his heel and leaving, unable to identify why Jaw and 'Nathaniel' are laughing so hard. The brit turns his head up to Jaw, raising a brow and smiling innocently.

Once Jaw gets Josh back to the Obey house safely, into the shower and dressed in something that isn't stained by unknown substances and smells. The two sit on the couch together, Josh, still recovering from the hangover has his head resting on Jaws shoulder, the others arms around the Brits waist, supporting his body from completely slumping. Content smiles on both boys lips as Josh drifts back into a slumber while Jaw watches a show. 

A rather loud notification sound catches both boys off guard, mostly Josh as he flinches and looks towards the noise, Jaw's phone. Too tired to give a shit and mostly because he's comfortable, Josh goes back to staying half conscious, fazing in and out of reality. 

Jaw on the other hand reaching to his phone, reading the message that had disturbed their peace. 

'Ya'll look pretty gay down there, you should tell him'

'Get em' while they're vulnerable or else you'll miss your chance'

Jaw smirks, softly putting his arm up and flipping off the person above them, noticing his friend sneer and throw one back, going back to his room. Jaw gazes down at his friend, a soft smile tugging at his lips. 

"Josh" Jaw whispers, lightly tapping the boys side. Josh merely gazes sleepily up at him, waiting for a question. 

"What do you think about guys?" This time Josh becomes more skeptical, sitting up slightly and raising a brow.

"Why?" The brit asks slowly, watching Jaw closely. 

"Don't freak out, but I think I'm gay" Jaw confesses, un-wanting to look at Josh but feeling the need to, so he keeps his eyes locked.

Josh smiles, "I'm happy for you man, I'm Bi".

Jaw smiles and nods, "Would you go on a date with someone like me?" Josh smiles and shakes his head, Jaw's smile fades as his expression fades to something darker, confession and distress print themselves, coating his eyes in a dark layer. 

"Haha, I'd only date you" Josh finishes, smirking and leaning in to the boys face, connecting their foreheads. 

"I hate you" Jaw chuckles, a hand resting over the brits shoulder and playing with his hair. The dark gleam in his eyes going to a happy glint, excitement and passion overriding over emotion. 

"You're so fucking gay" Josh giggles. 


"You're welcome". 

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