CallMeCarson X RaccoonEggs

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A/N - 4.20.19 BABY. 420 WORDS BABY. gimmi more ships pluz

Ezra holds out the joint to his friend, smirking as the older frowns and looks at it with a displeased face.,"C'mon, you gotta try it today" 

"I don't have to do anything" Carson argues, pushing the joint back with 2 fingers and Ezra shakes his head, chuckling.

"Have you checked the date?"


"IT'S 420, YOU MUST" Carson gazes at the joint once more, eyes focusing on it then to the soft face of Ezra.

"I hate you" Grabbing the joint from the boys hand, he brings it to his lips.

"Don't forget to inhale" The smirk toying Ezras lips are enough to drive Carson to insanity, but in the dim light and strong scent of weed circling around him was to the brink of no return. 

"I know how to do it, dickhead" 

"My head is prefect thank you very much"

"Go away" Carson places his mouth around the joint softly, blinking rather slowly before taking in the smoke, swallowing it and feeling the warmth travel down his throat to his chest and holds it for awhile before his eyes widen.

Suddenly water is brimming in his crystal orbs and its quite visible for Ezra to see the struggle of keeping his coughs in.

"If you need to cough it's better to just cough" Ezra informs, cocking his head to the side slightly, "Or else you'll end up vomiting"

Carson opens his mouth and everything comes out at once, cough after cough, it sounds like his wheezing laugh but instead of laughing its pain and Phlegm is exiting the boys mouth.

Ezra chuckles and puts his hand on the boys back, rubbing small circles and smiling sweetly, despite the situation. "I'm surprised you held it in that long, I only lasted a few seconds my first time"

"Gee" Carson takes a minute to sharply inhale "Makes me feel much better, thanks" 

"Nice sarcasm"

"Heck you dude"

All goes quiet, the joint being passed back to Ezra and he takes another inhale. 

"I don't like it but I love it at the same time" Carson whispers, looking up at the stars. 

"That's the worst part about it"

"What do I tell mum?"

"That's the best part" They both giggle and Ezra wraps an arm around the boys neck. "For me at least, because you can't be a snitch and tell her I supplied you"

"It's not like that wasn't obvious" Ezra gasps and puts a hand over his heart. 

"I'm hurt"


"This is gay"

They both share a glance, a very dangerous glance. 

"I love you" Ezra whispers

"Very romantic" Carson replies, leaning forward and locking their lips.

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