Fitz AND Zuckles

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A/N - I'm on holidays but my dads home so. This is a convo we had in the car today. THEYRE NOT A COUPLE IN THIS. 

Cam glances at the boy beside him, watching periodically as he minds his own business, rolling a cigarette. Cam grimaces as the other brings it up to his lips and takes a long drag, releasing the smoke out the window.  

"Dad" Mason whispers as if there was others who might hear. 


"You've been with Toby for 10 years, how are you not sick of him?" Cam chuckles and keeps his eyes on the road for a bit. 

"I'm just not, sure I get annoyed or pissed off but not sick of him" Mason looks at his father, frowning slightly. 

"Thats a lot of commitment"

"Sure is, which is why most people can't do it. They think by having seperate lives it'll fix everything but i'm sure you know how that turns out"

Mason nods grimly, inhaling more of the cancer influencer before Cam continues. 

"Nobodies perfect, and you've heard that before. But it's true, nobody will ever satisfy you to the extreme. People think they find someone and that can last a long time but the reality is you can either be content with what you have or ruin it and never have a chance with someone like that person again"

Mason nods slightly,

"Like I said, people choose to either be content with what they have, or go off the rails and move on to the next chapter. For a lot of cases thats the outcome but I'm lucky to have known Toby my whole life and we have chemistry, things to look back on and a reason to not go off the rails"

"But could it happen to you?" Masons questions, putting the cigarette in the ash-tray. 

"It could happen today, tomorrow or whenever, it might have already happened, I would never know. But I trust him with my soul and it'd be a shame to see that go"

Mason nods slowly, looking back out the window. Cam looks at the boy and smiles.

"You don't need to worry" Cam continues, causing Mason to look back at him. "I love Toby and I love you, nothing could get better than this" The boy smiles back. 

"I wasn't worried but thanks"

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