Cscoop X Travis

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A/N - ɥnɹq i love travis's voice, its hella adorable.15K, wow thanks sm :')

Travis makes his way outside the twitch booth, eyes glued to his phone as he weaves through the sea of fans and influencers, mumbling in the smallest voice, excuse me.

It's no lie he hated his voice, the childish squeaks and breaks almost every few words or the high note it reaches when laughing, especially when he was excited. It all bugged him to no extent, but he'd never tell anyone, keeping his problem to himself. 

Suddenly, a notification appears at the top of his phone,

Coopey: Just arrived, where you at?

opening discord, the boy types a reply. 

Traves: Behind the twitch booth, meet you here?

Coopey: yeah, i got a few guys with me

Traves: hopefully you havent already lost them

Coopey: shut it

Coopey: be there soon

Travis looks up from his phone, sighing with a smile tugging at his lips, leaning his head against a rock and relaxing a bit, the boy scans the area for the boys. 

Of course the group would stand out, that was no surprise,  but what was a surprise was to see everyone wearing matching bright pink outfits, Cooper holding a spare in his hands with the most adorable smirk on his lips as his eyes fall upon Travis. 

As they approach Travis, the conclusion they were gonna force him to wear the outfit set in his mind and he chuckles to himself, eyes squinting at hearing his laugh but standing and looking the group up and down. 

Bright pink shirts that were a loose fit, a slightly darker shade of pink for the jeans, some wearing pink shorts. Dark pink socks that you could see clearly with the shorts and the slightest bit with the jeans but still visible. As for shoes, everyone was wearing matching pink vans they were obviously new. Finally, to conclude the look, everyone had either a backpack, crown or gloves, or all of the above. 

"What are you doing?" Travis giggles, more towards Cooper but everyone joins in the laughter. 

"Making a fashion statement, we need to stand out, speaking of which, here" Travis looks at the clothing folded neatly in front of him, taking it carefully before Carson chuckles and grabs something from behind Ezras back.

"You need the complete look" Holding out a new pair of shoes, the same as everyone else, Travis rolls his eyes and smiles. 

"We're really doing this?" Cooper chuckles and puts a hand on the others shoulder. 

"You're making it sound way worse than it is" Cooper chuckles, warming Travis's heart, "I'll take you to get changed, you guys wanna inside?"

"It's not like it'll be that hard to tell the difference" Ezra chuckles, grabbing his boyfriends -Carsons- hands and dragging him inside, followed by a few other friends. 

Travis looks over at Cooper, taking a chance to admire the older, smiling in awe at the breathtaking view. Everything he was wearing complimented his features and pink was definitely his natural colour. 

"Don't worry, soon enough you'll look this good" Cooper remarks and leads them to the bathrooms, slinging off his bag and handing it to the younger. "For your current cloths". 

Travis nods and walks into the bathroom, setting the bag down and starts to get undressed, starting with his shirt, moving to the pants and neatly folding them into the bag, lastly taking off his shoes and replacing them, pondering them on the thought of how everyone knew his shoe size. 

Walking out to meet Cooper again, Travis has a sudden rush of fear,

what if i look stupid?

As soon as Cooper laid eyes on the younger, his cheeks go the same colour as hit fit and he looks away, smiling "this is so gangsta".

"You think?" Travis's cheeks redden at the compliment, his voice raising higher than usual at the excitement and he frowns a little. "Hey" This time his voice is soft. 

Cooper puts his phone in his pocket, noticing the change of voice "whats up?"

"How childish does my voice actually sound?"

"Not that bad-"

"If you didn't know me, and just heard me on team speak, how old?"

"Well I guess, 15?"

"No cap?"

"Travis, what does that even mean" 

"You seriously think I sound 15?" Travis pouts, it's not as bad as he expected but it's not good.

"Yeah, I mean you sound younger at times but it's not a bad thing" Coopers eyes are soft, gazing upon the uneasy face.

"How so?"

"I mean it's adorable, at least you dont sound like a 40 year old smoker or a heavy voiced man" Cooper chuckles, earning a small smile from Travis, "Are you that worried?"

"Not so much worried then embarrassed" Travis admits, swallowing his pride and letting his emotions take over. Cooper smiles and shakes his head a little. 

"You shouldn't be embarrassed" Travis goes to say something but Cooper continues, "Personally, I love your voice, and it fits with your persona" Travis blushes and looks around, struggling to find a focus point. 

"We sound so gay" Travis whispers, fiddling with the pink bag containing his items. 

"Good thing I am gay then"

"What?" Cooper nods at the question, "Shit, me too" Travis admits. 

"We totally shouldn't kiss then" Cooper chuckles, looking from Travis's eyes to lips, licking his own.

"We should not" Travis almost doesn't get the sentence out before Cooper trips forward, slinging his arms around the youngers neck and bringing his head down to lock lips with the boy, Travis's arms resting on the others waist. 

"Bruh" Travis whispers.

"Let's go back to the group" Cooper chuckles, clutching the boys hands and squeezing it in his own, the warmth radiating off both bodies. 



"Wanna ride my roller coaster?"

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