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A/N - this is messy, unorganised, has no plot, and probably alot of errors, but im sad so shutup [also if someone could explain toby's situation gender wise that would be great]

"It's not easy," Cam smirks, posture perfect, one leg neatly over the other, arms resting on the throne, "It's quite exhausting, especially having to share with, them," Cams cold, ice blue eyes wandered over to the other 4 boys, his lips pressed firmly together as the cameraman pans to the youngest of them, Mason.

"He's just bitter because he thinks he has some, holy power," Mason cracks, Legs perched up and swaying on the arm of his throne, Jay snickering beside him.

"I do not think I have power, you're just to immature too understand,"

"Don't you bullshit me with immature again," Mason growls, his eyes narrowing and white pearls showing, the cameraman quickly sweeps to Matt, fiddling with a feather pen. 

"We do actually have a lot of power, and that all needs to be managed, so-,"

"Matt does all the paperwork-,"

"Yeah I was fucking getting there!" Matt spits, snapping his head towards Mason,

"See, immature," Cam remarks, causing Mason to growl even louder and snatch the pen from Matt, throwing it towards the tallers head, who gracefully ducks and shakes his head. The cameraman switches to Jay, 

"Oh, Hello," Jay sits up a little taller, straightening out his cloak and flashing his own set of white pearls, "I'm an entertainer, singing mostly, I also dabble in comedy- well actually we all do but-,"

"He's also a professional time waster," Mason chuckles,

"See now that's actually funny," Cam smirks, earning an eye roll from Jay.

"If it wasn't for my singing you'd all be bored out of your minds,"

"Listening to Eric try to sing is more entertaining," 

"Speaking of Eric, where is he," Cam asks, looking around, the cameraman panning the throne hall, revealing empty.

"Probably training for the big raid,"

"That's in 5 months, why is he starting now,"

Suddenly, "Sorry I'm late!" The hall doors force open revealing a man wearing all armour and wielding an axe, the cameraman shocked at the small figure of the man before him as he uses a step to sit on his throne.

"Take your helmet off for heavens sake," Cam snarls,

"I can't do that, it would reveal my identity, and ruin it for the princess I'm going to one-day save," The small man sets his axe on the table in front of him with a loud clink, "Now, these questions,"

"There are no questions,"

"What?" Eric raises a brow, "The fuck was the point of coming in then?"

"Now your 'princess'," Matt starts, putting quotation marks around princess, "Will know where you come from," Eric growls and kicks Matt's chair.

"The 'point', was to get to know the royal families and kingdoms," Cam explains, "Toby should be here any minute,"

The group rambled on about the money their segments make or families own but only briefly because the doors of the hall open once more to reveal none other than the last member of the team, a figure with bright red lips and hot pink cloak strutted in, their hips swaying at the robe hung below them, heals clicking along the marble floor as they sat down in a ruby throne, smiling wickedly, "Good-evening, Toby," Cam spoke. 

"You all look very neat, for once," Toby starts, gasping when their eyes met Matts head, "You even got Matt to wash his mop," His eyes travel once more, to Masons crown, "Oh my, that's a sight for sore eyes,"

"Shut up, it's just because you're always so perfect that it looks so different,"

"Thank you," Toby chuckles, "But have you ever thought it's because you're always so scruffy?"

"Am not,"

"Uh huh,"

"Am not-,"

"We've been over this, saying the same thing over and over isn't a fight it's pointless," Cam sighs, tapping his fingers in a row on the throne. 

"Oh wait do I get to explain what I do," Toby claps their hands together, looking towards the camera and smiling, "I am, what most people would call, an escort," the smile on his lips only grew wider as the cameraman gulped.

"You scared him,"

"It's not like I kill people,"

"Yeah no, that's my job," Eric chuckles, picking up his axe and running a finger down the blade. 

The cameraman, feeling slightly intimidated, switched between the group, catching each ones part in the conversations, Until it was getting tiring and the boys, mostly Mason, became visibly irritated.

"That's enough, you can leave," Cam instructs, lifting himself from the throne and stretching his back, his boots clicking behind him as he moves to the hall doors, opening them and waiting for the cameraman to walk over. 

"Thank's again for letting me record here, I'll send you a draft and you can take out anything you don't like," The boy spoke with confidence, "Thanks again,"

"No problem, uh...?"


"Alright Zak, fare well,"

Once he was gone, Mason lets out a loud sigh and throws his crown on the table, unclipping his cloak and stretching, Matt ruffling out his hair and loosening his collar, Eric throwing his helmet off and all under pieces, breathing heavily. Jay chuckles and undresses, revealing a set of pj's underneath. Cam shrugs off his cloak and hangs it up neatly, grabbing the other boys cloaks and hanging them up neatly. Toby stands up and looks around, "I have a job I have to get too,"

"Me and the boys are gonna hit up the tavern, anyone else in?" Eric announces to the group, grabbing his coat. 

"Always," Mason shouts from the other side of the hall, grabbing his gold. 

"I'll provide the live music," Jay says, grabbing his casual coat. 

"Count me in," Matt says, picking up the once thrown pen and placing it in his jacket. 

"You joining us later Toby?" Cam quickly says before Toby leaves the hall.

Toby turns around, "Yeah, of course, see you in 1-2 hours,"

"Alright boys, let's head out," 

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