Memeulous X WillNE

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A/N - im gonna kill myself. I cAnT LiVe LIKe THiS.

George turns around to greet, whom he thought was Will's roommate, was actually greeted with the man who hosted all the, fake or not, drama, KSI. 

"Oh my god" George says, in shock, hiding the real fear behind the mask and glasses, trying to steady his breaths. It's not like Jj would hurt him, or in front of Will anyway, but it was still scary when he's at least 2 feet above you.

"Can we have a quick talk about the videos?" Jj says, his face cold and emotionless, Will laughing his ass off in the background. 

"Sure" George starts fidgeting with his hands, prying on the questions 'is this for TWOTI'.

"it's too much" Jj speaks up, keeping this act up, if it's an act at all.

"Is it?"

"Yeah, too far" 

"This is for TWOTI isn't it?" George asks for the last time, his heart ready to take off with the pace it's going, not even for a good reason. 

"Yeah" Will finally spills, still laughing, Jj joining in as he goes for hug, catching George before he can fully stand up, making it an awkward positions and making the small boy, appear smaller. George, still having a panic attack, starts letting his whole body shake, knee's feeling like they could give in any second. 

"Cheer's for that, mate" Will gasps, taking a seat. 

"Is that all you called me down for?" George asks, wondering why Will would do this knowing how he gets. 

"Yeah" Both Jj and Will break into another fit of laughter and George stands up and walks out, throwing them both a goodbye before walking out of the apartment, back to an Uber to go tell Alex what had just happened. Secretly feeling like Will had just exploited him for a video. 

George walks through the front door of his shared home, greeted with a waft of burned food going through the house. "What are you doing in here?" George says, surpassing the sound of laughter and giggles coming from not only Alex, but another guy. 

"George! help us" Alex shouts, giggling some more before emerging around the corner holding a towel and gloves. 

"Who else is here?" George asks as they walk to the kitchen, where James is sat on the counter, fiddling with Camera equipment. 

"Hey James, oh my daze, you sure know how to make a mess" George says, glancing around to a broken pot, who knows how that happened, burnt cakes, cookies, ash and flour all around their kitchen, seeping into the living room. Both boys covered head to toe in ingredients. 

"At least it's not a porno" James snorts, laughing along with Alex. 

"I dunno, there's some weird kinks out there" Alex giggled, making them all chuckle.

George sighed happily "Good luck cleaning up then, I'm off to my room" deciding right now was not a good time to tell what happened, he sets off to his room. 

Dropping his things on his bed, he kicks his shoes off and plops down in his computer chair, swivelling around, sighing. The laughing continues from the kitchen and he just decides to play some video games, to try and think of video ideas. 

A few hours of time passes, George has done nothing, his legs stiff and body rocking, eyes glued to the screen. Alex and James had finished up and were in the living room watching movies, the kitchen spotless. 

A few more hours go by, George had stopped playing, and was now sitting on his bed, wondering why he felt so betrayed. It's not like he should care, this is all for a video. But Will knew how George would get in stress full situations, his anxiety would sky rocket. 

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