Joshy X Memeulous

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A/N - Life is meaningless and i stand by my words. Also this song fits really well with the story so just gonna put that out there.

George sat there, staring lifelessly at the black screen. His cold room engulfing his body, sending a shiver up his spine and pale skin covered in goosebumps. Eyes tired, drowsy and stinging. Chapped lips slightly ajar, accompanying his calm breathes that result in the only noise aside from the fan and monitors. Brown noise filling his ears, making the boy cringe. 

It's been like this for a few days now, nobody to snap him out of his state. Food being rationed so he wouldn't have to leave the apartment, although that might just be what he needed, it's not what his mind was telling him. As for fluids, he would only intake when his body was at the point of begging. 

His body felt weak, paler than ever before. It would be a lie to say he didn't know what was going on because he knew all too well. What he didn't know was how to fix the problem, it's not exactly an easy thing to do when you're in the situation that George was in. 

Love wasn't easy, it never was and never will be. It's a drug worse than any and there was no cure. Because once you've been in a bond like Josh and George, there was no going back. 

The pair were so in love, everything they did was a joined effort and each knew the other like the back of their hands. You could see it in the way they looked at each other in the moonlight or the way they held hands everywhere they went, making sure the other was safe, merely the presence around the two, you could feel the bond beaming.

Until the day when tragedy strikes it next victim, in this case Josh. The bond so strong that it was the only thing standing in the way of deaths row. Some say when the times up the times up, let it happen.

Josh screamed in agony, crying out to his partner who had dropped to his knee's, arms draped  around his lovers shoulders, begging for Josh to keep his eyes open, But it was all too much, by the time to ambulance arrived, George was being dragged away, paramedics saying the trauma and sight would be too much at this time. 

George remembered it like it was happening on repeat, walking along the sidewalk together, enjoying the breeze and company, silence between the two, smiling like they'd just been engaged. 

Until the roaring sound of an engine came to loud for comfort, by the time everything was registered in Georges mind, Josh had pushed him out of tragedies path, taking the impact straight on, blowing him off the path and into the bushes, the car going into a post and knocking the driver out, killing him instantly. 

As for Josh he was a little more fortunate, seeing his lovers face before everything became a blur and his eyes closed, body going limp and lifeless. 

But George had to keep believing, 5 minutes to resuscitate the dead before it was over, had the paramedics made it on time? Who knows, all he could do was wait. Wait for the call confirming his lovers death or the call inviting the light back in the world. 

Everything was starting to look hopeless, George was spiralling into depression and it didn't look like it was going to be fun for the long run. Something like this isn't forgotten, day in day out, reliving the moment, over and over. Not even getting to see the bastard who dared interfere with their lives. 

Nothing was bright, everything was dark. 

Until a knock was heard, puzzling George and making his dull eyes perk up after hearing nothing like that sound for days. The boy looks around the room, waiting for another noise, making sure this wasn't insanity kicking in, but much to his surprise, he heard it again, this time making the boy rise to his feet, instantly grabbing ahold of his desk, all the blood rushing to his head making him dizzy and groan in pain. 

Stumbling his way out the bedroom and into the kitchen, George notices the date and clock, instantly feeling sad and overwhelmed again, he sniffles and wipes away some tears, looking at himself in the mirror, fixing his hair and straightening out his shirt the best he could, the boy stumbles to the door, feeling sick the minute he touches the metal. 

"Wh-" Trying to talk he ends up coughing into his sleeve, eyes watering again and clearing his throat, he tries again. 

"Who is it?" There was no answer, only another knock. George sighs and looks through the peephole for a sign of life, after seeing nobody there, he steps back a little, questioning his sanity again, is this all a dream?

Then another knock, followed by another 3. 

slowly reaching for the door again, he undoes the locks and twists the door opening. 

Standing on the other side of the door was Josh, roses in hand and a smile planted on his lips, eyes puffy as for the same as George.

"J-Josh?" Georges' lip starts quivering as the hot tears flowed freely out his eyes, lips curling into a smile and cracking through sobs as he jumps into his lovers arms, instantly having comfort wash over him, the warmth soothing his aching body. 

Josh smiles, sobs also rocking his body, walking them both inside, he shuts the door and places the roses on the counter and leans back on it, leaning in and inhaling the scent of his boyfriend. 

"I fucking missed you, I missed you so god damb fucking much" George whimpers, completely saturating the others shirt as he pours all the built up tears inside him out. Josh nods, pulling away slightly and getting down on one knee, smiling up at his boyfriend who is shaking uncontrollably. 

Pulling out a small box, he holds it up to George, who stares with his eyes wide and hands fidgeting.

"George, ever since I got to know you I knew you were the one for me, I dont know how, I just knew. Maybe it was your smile, or laugh, or maybe it was just the way you would pout every time someone brought up the fact you sing in the shower. Then we started dating and it all became surreal, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Then when the accident I was so afraid I'd never get to tell you this. But you've made the past 8 years unbelievable and I can't bare to loose you, Will you marry me George?" Lifting the lid of the box reveals a small diamond ring, fitted with gold patters. 

George cracks another sob before nodding violently, almost unable to stand by all the shaking.

"Yes yes yes, yes a thousand times, I love you so much"

"I love you too"  

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