YummiR6 X ChaseOnTwoWheels

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A/N - Betcha didn't see this coming now didcha. I see other writers with similar ideas to me and just seeing how much better they are than me is really depressing. So i'm going to walk the highway blindfolded and/or put my dick in a toaster.

"Right, that's the end of this vlog" Chase exclaims, getting off his bike, making sure the go pro was on and grabbing his phone out. 

"what? no, That is not an episode, that's at least two" 

"Hold on, let me check my phone" 

Yummi, in his best singing voice, chuckles "Let me check my phone, let me check my phone, let me check my phone, let-" waving his hands about. 

Chase, half joking, grabs the rim of Yummi's helmet, pulling him in, making Yummi feel submissive "Hey! oh my god, this is great I love it" Yummi yelps, Chase turns off the go pro. The only thing separating their faces is plastic. Both of the boys knowing they wouldn't mind if it wasn't there.  

Unfortunately, the only thing stopping them from professing their undying love is their significant other. They know it would be wrong to do whatever they're imagination would tell them, and due to time and separating, both boys dont feel as attached to their significant other as they did a few years back.

But, they still have common sense and would never do anything to butcher the others life or ruin anything, it would take balls of steal to come out to the other, and thats exactly what Yummi has. He has been planning to come out in the next few days, hopefully it would go well.

They both pull away, laughing a nervous matter. Both of them know the video would cut then. It's never been an issue with conversation starters. They can talk about almost anything, they lived together, nothing should be awkward, and nothing was, not up until Chase married, they started to stop being as touchy as they were, not wanting any suspicion. 

"Let's go get those zip ties, gas if you are really stressing about it and get back on the road, not long until you have to go back home" Chase says, breaking the silence.

"Only two more days..." Yummi repeats, taking off his helmet and feeling the cool breeze ruffle his hair and blow it into his face.

"Shame, you know we really do enjoy having you here" Chase says, Yummi smiles and gets off his bike, circling around Chase and heading into the shop, followed by the other. 

They go their seperate ways in the shop, enjoying as much AC as they can get before meeting at the cash register, paying for their items by themselves and heading back out, the whole time Yummi's mind is crowded with thoughts of Chase, the other not taking his eyes off the Youngers hair.

They turn the cameras on and makes a few jokes, tying the number plate back to the vehicle and heading on the road again. It would be a little bit before they got to their next destination and they've already covered the main subjects so now they're just enjoying their time. 

"Hey Chase, can I talk serious for a moment?" Yummi says, almost in a whisper, trying to gain courage. Chase turns around to see Yummi looking straight ahead, expression covered by the visor. 

"Sure" Yummi nods, breathing in and requesting both camera's to be turned off, so thats what they do.

"So this may be a surprise, hopefully anyway... I know have a girlfriend, but I just don't feel like it's working anymore" Yummi stops to take a breathe, preparing for what he has to confess next. But before he could Chase interrupts.

"If we're doing serious talk and this is not a joke, I completely understand, I don't feel as connected to Heather anymore and I feel like I jumped into marriage too soon" Chase sighs at the end. Yummi gasps and little bit, not expecting this at all. 

"Well... It is serious. I'm sorry you feel that way and I don't know why it's like that for you anyway... But for me, I know" He goes for another breathe, this time Chase letting Yummi have his chance. 

"I'm gay... Or bi. But theres only one guy I like, so I'm not sure what to label myself but I'm scared and I dont know what Amber will say and oh god I can't believe I just told you" Yummi scrambles out his words, legs now feeling unsettled. Chase blinks a few times before glancing back again, this time Yummi is staring right at him. 

"Yums... I'm so happy you told me. But I think you should tell Amber it'll probably be easier than her finding out by herself" 

"So, you're not weirded out?" Yummi mumbles, voice stuck in his throat. 

"No, of course not, to be completely honest I kinda understand, there's this guy, I won't go into detail but I think I like him" Yummi smiles under his helmet, could it be him? maybe? that's how movies work?

"But... Heather?" Yummi's voice has turned into that of a child, like he's about to break down. 

"I know and I feel really bad" Chase's voice rings in Yummi's head, all he want's is to be in the others embrace. 

"Do you wanna pick up this recording tomorrow? Heather won't be home tonight so we can just, talk" Yummi agree's and they both head home. 


After they'd got home and put all the bikes away, not many words were shared, only a few instructions and stuff like that. They're sat on the couch, food and drinks on the table. 

"So... Who's the guy?" Yummi stops eating, turning his gaze away from the tv to Chase, who was already looking at him. He swallows some spit and looks around.

"I don't think... You wanna know" Yummi mumbles, making chase shake his head. 

"I really do and I think I can help you get closer to him, ya know" Yummi looks back at the tv then back at Chase, his eyes ready for rejection. 

"No... Because its you" Yummi quickly looks down, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

"Oh thank fuck" Chase leans in, grabbing Yummi by the waist and pulls him over to his lap, one leg on each side of his waist. Leaning in close to the youngers ear, he whispers.

"Because I love you" He moves his face in front of Yummi's again, planting his lips against Yummi's, melding together. Chase moves his hands, one in Yummi's hair the other rubbing circles onto his back while Yummi's hands are locked into Chase's shirt, gripping it like it's the last time they'd touch. 

"What about Heather" Yummi whimpers into Chase's mouth. 

"I'll break it to her when she get's back, then we'll make it official" Chase murmurs back, having this the best feeling in the world, something he never knew he needed. 

"I love you" 

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