iNoToRiOuS X Zuckles

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A/N - wow this is so epic

It wasn't exactly ideal to be informed you're going to die in 6 months. In fact most would say it's news nobody would want to be told. So you can imagine the shock Matt got as he slowly walks out of the doctors office and through the hospital gates where his friends are awaiting his arrival at home.  

The drive home was slow and painful, not physically, but the whole time a sting was off in his heart, tears pricking his eyes. He knew something was up for a while now, but nothing prepared him for what he just heard.

You know the feeling when you're so mad, sad and confused, and you just want to tear your skin off or grind your teeth until you couldn't bare. That's how the American felt, lost and broken. 

He wasn't ready, the boy was only 22 and had so much more to do in life. He had only just managed to move out for christ sake, now it was all going to be drained away in a few months. 

He wasn't going to live to see his grandkids, or his own kids for fucks sake. He hadn't managed to settle down with anyone, pursue his career to the fullest. He wasn't going to be able to live by the beach with his lover, watching the sunset and talking about childhood memories, none of that was a possibility. 

Walking into the living room was tough, seeing his friends happy faces drain too sorrow upon seeing the red and tear stained face of Matt. His eyes looked hollow and dead, nothing left, no jokes to crack, only news to break. 

"I- I have cancer" That was it, facing the reality that is inevitable broke the boy. His face contorts and his knees fell weak. Falling onto the sofa and hearing the people around him break down, it all made him feel so weak. 

The next few weeks nothing much changed, regular doctors appointments and checkups, not only from doctors but from family and friends too. Matt hadn't done much, he simply couldn't find the strength to do anything. 

Everyone had become increasingly worried, worried he might take his life before his time was up. Even though he insisted it wasn't going to be like that, somedays it felt like it was the right choice. 

Matt had refused treatment, he couldn't find a reason to want to spend the remaining months on earth sitting pitifully in his house with no hair and looking like death its-self. So instead he sat in his room, editing videos and watching the room with a broken expression. 


"Yeah?" There was no emotion in his voice, it was dry and hoarse, each word feeling like sandpaper to the boys throat. 

"I need to tell you something" Mason slowly closed the door behind him, watching Matt spin his chair around. Looking up and down at the man he loved, Mason could clearly see the effect it had taken on the American. 

Arms as thin as paper, ribs poking through his shirt. Hands covered in bright blue veins and face rawboned. He looked terrible and it was hard to believe the boy in front of him was once the bubbly and bright Matt he knew. 

"Since you- uh" Mason takes a minute to sit on the bed, thinking out his words carefully, "Won't be around forever-"

Matt cuts the teen off, with a quiet voice he warns, "Mason, if you're in here to try and get me to go out, i won't go" 

"No, no" Masons hand awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, "I just want you to know that I- erm... love you" The last sentence is barely a whisper, but it was enough to send Matt's heart back into action. 


"It'd be a dick move if I was lying at a time like this" Mason chuckles lightly, watching Matt smile for the first time in weeks, causing his heart to instantly melt. "This is a good sign, right?" 

"I don't know what to say but I love you too" 

"Can you do something for me then?" 


"Eat lunch with us today" Masons eyes and voice are practically begging. 

"Did you tell me that just to get me to eat lunch?" Matt asks, raising his brows. Heart skipping all over the place. 

"No, I promise" Masons words are dripping with honesty as he itches to give the other a hug, "I genuinely want to be your boyfriend"



"Wanna be my boyfriend for the last few months of my life?" 

"Fuck yes" The two engulf in a hug, Mason letting a few tears slip as he knows it wont last forever, but it'll be the best few months of their lives. 

5 months have passed. 

Matt lay there, staring at the ceiling with Mason under his right arm, breath even and steady. The past few months have been bliss, Matt came out of his room. Started hanging out with his friends again, retired from doing drugs and uploaded one final video to say thank you. 

The boys broke the news to the fans on the shared channel and podcast, Matt's family were staying in a hotel nearby as it was coming to the last few weeks the doctors predicted Matt's life to be. 

"You awake?" Mason whispers, hair flopping on the Americans chest. 

"I've been awake since the day you became my boyfriend, you?"

"Same" Matt smiles and kisses the boy on the forehead. 

"I love you"

"Don't forget me when I go, Masey" 

 3 years have passed 


He lived. 

He fucking lived. 

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