Daithi de Nogla X Lui Calibre

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"Lui, it's ya family" David laughs as he taps the smaller male on the shoulder, pointing to the monkeys. 

"Haha real funny, considering yours are right over there" Lui retorts, head turning to the direction of the giraffes. Both boys erupt in laughter, making a few people turn their heads to see the commotion. 

It's been an amazing day for both males, just spending quality time together, alone. Away from all the youtube drama and technology. They both needed this vacation, even if it was just a day out. 

"Hungry yet? Cuz i'm fockin starving" David gathers his composure, a big grin still planted on his face.

"Now I am, I was before but you know how it is..." Lui pauses for a moment thinking of something to say "wait never mind, I don't even know how it is" 

David chuckles as they make their way up to a small café. "This has been real nice, Thanks for inviting me. It feels like we haven't done this for a while" David smiles at the others words, at least he knows that Lui feels the same. 

"No problem. I've been so caught up in youtube, I guess I just forgot to have a break. Especially with the whole demonetization issues now" David explains taking a sip of his drink. 

"I mean I can't say I know how that feels, I guess I lost interest in creating" The smaller male looks almost sad at his words, maybe he did miss youtube. 

The pair sit on a bench, the sun starting to go down, painting the sky with various neon colours of purple, orange, pink ect. It was beautiful and both boys were savouring every last drop of it.

David chuckles to himself remembering all the old times. "Hey lui?"


"What's your view of nostalgia?"

"It's a beautiful thing, I love it. But I'm not comfortable with change, if that makes sense. Like, stopping youtube and getting a real job. Was just awful. But when I look back on it, it was nice to know I ended it all on a good year. Having all the memories of recording with you guys and conventions, meeting fans. I still love meeting them now and brining up to good times. I still record with you guys but people constantly asking me to keep uploading, brings it down. I'm probably just ranting but you sorta get the idea, don't you?" Lui looks up at David with pleeding eyes. 

David simply nods "All too well"

They sit in a comfortable silence until there is no more colours, only inky blackness and a few stars, the park is getting ready to shut. Both boys pack up and head to the car. Once they're in David doesn't start the engine and Lui looks at him confused. "You ok?" 

"Lui, ever thought about having a relationship?" Lui looks surprised by the sudden question. 

"Uh, I never really thought about it to much, I mean I guess i'm getting old so I should start looking for a partner soon, why?" Lui answers, eye's big and round, glossy from the big day. 

"Curious, but your not old, far from it. Old is when you want it to be" Lui smiles at this.

"So, what about you? Ever thought about a relationship. You can't marry your dogs, I hope you understand that." Both males chuckle. 

"I have actually, sadly to be able to love another. You have to get over the first" David answers starting the ac because it's getting hot. 

"Morse code for 'I love someone but they don't love me' am I correct?" Lui asks, a hint of disappointment tangled between each word. That, or David is tired.

"You wouldn't be wrong" Then, without a word. They drive home in silence, more of a tense silence, rather than the usual comfortable one. Davids finger occasionally tapping the wheel. 

The smaller finally decided to speak up, "You only like one person, yeah?" 


"Why don't you just go after them? What's the worst that can happen. If they say no it'll be easier to get over them and if they say yes, then that's great" Lui suggests, David furrows his brows. Deciding whether his friendship is more important than feelings. 

Finally, after letting Lui's words sink in, he pulls over at the nearest stop. "Are you ok?"

David looks at Lui in the eyes, glistening with hope. He slowly reaches a hand up to cup to smaller males face, leaning down so they could feel each others hot, steady breaths on the others face. "I love you" he whispers ever so quietly before closing the gap between their faces. 

Lui snakes a hand around Davids neck, tangling his fingers into his raven hair as the kiss becomes more passionate. Fireworks exploding from both males stomaches. 

After what feels like an eternity, they pull away, foreheads resting against each other. Lips red and swollen. "I always knew you we're gay" Lui whispers as David smiles. 

"Could've told me sooner, took me ages to figure out" They stay like this for a while, enjoying the others company. 

"So this means we're together?" Lui asks, voice dripping for reassurance. 

"Always and forever" 

A/n - If Lui did explain the reason for his absence then i wasn't informed. 

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