CallMeCarson X RaccoonEggs

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A/N -  iSnT RaCc JusT sO pReTty HolY fUckINg ShiT. 

"You gotta help me man, I don't know what to do" Ezra pleads, running a hand through his fluffy hair, letting it bounce back to place. 

"I'm not gonna sugar coat it, you really fucked this one up" 

"Gee thanks camy boy"

"Seriously though, who do you actually like?" Cam in the only person who truely knows Ezra's situation. Everyone else knew the boy was in trouble, but not the full detail. 

"I like both of them..." Ezra sighs again, rubbing the heels of his hand in his eyes, wanting to go and punch something. He'd always go workout if he ever got frustrated, especially with the situation at hand. 

"No, ok. If you had to drop everything and run away with one of them, who would it be?" Cam suggests, seeing how frustrated the other is getting. 

"I guess... I mean Matt is just someone I'm fucking to keep me busy, Carson is a longtime friend who I enjoy hanging around with, but Matt it fun to hang around too" Cam raises a brow, confused as to how thick Ezra's skull must be. 

"So a fuck buddy or a friend? Is that really that big a deal? Ezra you understand you're not the only one Matt fucks?" Ezra pauses, looking up at Cam with wide eyes. 

"I'm... Not?" 

"No, sorry if you didn't know this or I'm not the person you wanted to hear it from, but you gotta choose between taking it up the ass by Matt or potentially taking it up the ass by Carson" Cam must've set something straight in Ezras mind, the younger thanks Cam endlessly before standing from his seat and walking to the next room over where most the misfits and some commentary youtubers were chilling. 

"Matt can I talk to you for a moment" Ezra takes a seat next to Matt, getting his attention straight away. Cam follows the boy in the room and see's him with Matt. 'You do you' Cam mouths before sitting wth Toby. 

"Yeah sure, what's up?" Matt answers, an unreadable expression printed to his face, his face that was unbelievably hot during sex, something with Ezra would have to say goodbye too. But for Carson, he would do anything. 

"We need to stop having sex, I mean it's been great, but-"

"Nah man you don't need to tell me why, it's been fun. But just to clarify, it's not cuz I'm shit, right?" Matt asks, smiling gently, making this easier for Ezra. 

"No no, it's not." The younger smiles back, standing up again. 

"No hard feelings, yeah? Still friends?" 

"Yeah no shit" Ezra smiles and turns away, briefly looking at Cam to see him smiling back. Ezra then walks out that room into the next. 

"Anyone seen Carson?" 

"Uh I think he's in the bathroom, now that I think about it, he's been there for awhile" Jaren speaks up, curling up against John. Everyone then agree's in their own way, concern floating around the room, mostly radiating from Ezra. 

In a panic, the boy rushes out the room and to the first bathroom of the house, knocking on it violently. "Hello? Carson?"

"No Carson in here, and I don't think you wanna... See what's actually in here..." Muffled by the door, Ezra can't make out who it is, but he knows it isn't Carson. 

"It's ok, thanks anyway" Rushing to the next bathroom, Ezra knocks again, a little less violent last time.

"Yes?" A voice rings from the other side of the door, not Carsons though. 

"Sorry, wrong door" Ezra sighs, Only 2 more bathrooms.

Walking to the next door, less enthusiastic this time, anxiety attacking him, what if Carson doesn't like me and I'm misleading it. All these thoughts eating away at his courage. 

"Ezra you've been standing here for 5 minutes" The dazed boy looks down to see the love of his life. 

"Carson! God I though I'd never find you" Ezra exclaims, pausing to look down at the boy, and God was he impressed. 

"And that would've been a bad thing?" Carson jokes, but The taller just stares at him with a shocked expression.

"I'm joking, wanna go to the lounge?" The shorter asks, already walking past Ezra. 

"Yeah sure- wait hold on, can I talk to you a moment?"

"Can you walk and talk?" 

"It's more of a private thing..." Ezra says softly, hope gleaming in his eyes. 

"Oh, yeah sure man" They both walk into a spare room upstairs, both sitting themselves on the bed, facing each other, Ezra happy just looking at the others face. Although that would be awkward if that's all he did. 

"What were you doing in that bathroom, everyone was looking for you..." Great way to start off this conversation.

"Oh haha, just masturbating" Ezra opens his lips partly, not expecting that answer.

"O-oh, good for y-you" Ezra sighs, Maybe now isn't the right time.

"Are you ok? That's not a very 'you' answer, especially to that" Carson asks, tilting his head slightly to get a better angle on Ezra. 

"Yeah no everything good, bit tired" A little white lie never hurt anybody.

"Ok, I was just showering. If you're tired you should consider having one too" Ezra nods, not really taking in any words, "Especially if we're going out tonight" This snaps Ezra out of his daze, looking straight towards Carson. 

"What?" Ezra asks, blush forming on his cheeks. 

"You do, wanna go out right?" Carson asks, a smile planted on his lips, which deepens Ezras bush and gets him nodding. 

"Good, and I hope you called things off with Matt beforehand, right?" 

"You bet" Carson stands up, plants a kiss to Ezras cheek and walks to the doorframe, "meet you out there". 

Ezra sits shocked, his whole body tense as his heart flashes between different emotions, did he want to scream? cry? laugh? all of the above?

The boy stands up and runs out to Cam, smiling like a girl woh was just asked to prom, giddily fidgeting. "Cam, Cam, Cam, Guess what"

Cam looks up from Toby's phone, smiling as he see's how excited he is. 

"mhm, I dunno, what could it be?" Ezra smiles playfully and gains the attention of Toby. 

"Me and Carson are going on a date tonight" Cam smiles in response, earning a happy squeal from Toby.

"Good job" Cam says, patting Ezra on the shoulder, "You deserve it".

"Thanks Cam, I would still be torn between if you hadn't of helped"

"Watcha gonna wear?" Toby asks, a certain glint in his eyes that was feared by all. 

"Uh" Ezra looks down, shrugging "this".

"My son's going on his first date and he's wearing that?! Well we can't have that can we, come" Toby stands up, dragging the two boys with him. 

"Fun time" 

"Oh. Oh no" Cam whispers as Ezra just smiles contently. 

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