WillNE X StephenTries

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Stephen has his eyes on  will. Will has his eyes on Alex. they start dating. Stephen realises that maybe he should give up and starts getting really sad no matter how hard he tried to be happy. then Will notices and starts hanging with Stephen to try and cheer him up, realises he has feelings for the ste and bam. FKN LOVE BOI

"Where's Will? I thought he was gonna be here tonight?" George says, entering Stephens apartment and walking to the kitchen, turning back to see the ginger scowling. 

"I don't know probably out with Alex," Stephen grumbles, in a low voice, averting eyes. 

"Yeah I was gonna ask, you know what's up with them? They've been very close lately," This made Stephens heart ache. He knows he's not supposed to tell anyone, he'd made a promise, and he loved Will with his whole heart so it's not like he was about to betray his trust. 

"No idea," Grabbing two drinks, they sit on the couch. 

"Alright then, how's the tour plan going?" George asks, desperately trying to get Stephen out of his mood.

"Great." Straight lie, Stephen also was aware Will was second guessing. Ever since Alex confessed his feelings, Will had been spending every minute of every hour of every day with the boy, spacing himself from Stephen because Alex said he was jealous of how close the pair were, but they've fallen out and Stephen doesn't know how to cope. 

He can't tell anyone, he made a vow too Will. Will wasn't ready to come out yet even though Alex had gone and blabbed on to James, who obviously had feelings for Alex, he wouldn't want to betray Will, God I'm such a dumbass Stephen thought to himself, I need to go see James.

"You sure you're alright?" George asks again, asking previously when Stephen had opened to door for the smaller. Stephen looks at him with sad eyes, exhausted from trying to get Wills attention, wanting to be close to him again. 



"George you should go, I have a lot to do right now" Stephen mutters, standing up and grabbing his phone and a coat. 

"I- um, sure yeah" Stephen leads George out of the apartment and they both head towards the elevator. 

"Where you heading?" Stephen sighs and makes up a lie about food shopping, then they both depart into seperate ways. 

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