Muselk X LazarBeam

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A/N - Thanks for 1K :) So I did this generator thing someone showed me and kinda referenced that.

Elliot had always loved swimming, especially now since its with people he loved. The pool being covered in Inflatable toys, beach balls, other people. It was hard to have a conversation, but he felt happy none-the-less.

There was one person in particular he always saw as more than just a friend though, he always wanted to get to know more of the boy, to know all his secrets, flaws and past. He has tried though, but he hasn't been able to spend alone time together without raising suspicion from others.  

Elliot walked over to the window and reflected on his surroundings. The Sunny licking everybody's skin, leaving them slightly red. How did he get so lucky? to be able to hang with these wonderful people, all loving and non judging. 

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Lannan . Lannan was like an adorable kitten, fluffy hair and small frame. 

Elliot gulped. He was not prepared for whatever was about to happen, but he would always take the opportunity to talk alone.

As Elliot stepped outside and Lannan came closer, he could see the nervous glint in his eye.

Lannan gazed up at Elliot, fumbling over his words, mouth opening and closing. He finally muttered, in quiet tones, "I love you"

Elliot looked back at the smaller male, eyes now wide and overfilled with joy. "Lannan, I love you too" he replied.

They looked at each other with overjoyed feelings, like two children who's parents had just agreed to let them sleep over, Lannan hugs Elliot, burying his head deep in the mans chest.

Elliot gratefully hugged back, finally having the boy in his arms, all to himself. A big delighted grin spreads across his face, resting his chin on Lannan's hair, inhaling the chlorine and conditioner.  

Lannan looked like a tomato, face as crimson as a rose, heat radiating off him to Elliots cool chest.

After hearing everyone stop chatting, obviously looking at the pair, they both go inside for a nice glass of whisky together.

||That was the edited version, Now, below will be the non edited version||

Elliot had always loved the lively pool. Filled with emence toys and alot of infatable crafts. 

Elliot walked over to the window and reflected on his surroundings. The Sunny licking everybody's skin, leaving them slightly red. How did he get so lucky? to be able to hang with these wonderful people, all loving and non judging.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Lannan . Lannan was an understanding kitten with Muscular Hair and Tall chest.

Elliot gulped. He was not prepared for Lannan.

As Elliot stepped outside and Lannan came closer, he could see the combative glint in his eye.

Lannan gazed with the affection of 6548 cute pong Puppy. He said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want Effection."

Elliot looked back, even more tears of joy and still fingering the squishy Pool toy. "Lannan, I love you," he replied.

They looked at each other with overjoyed feelings, like two knobby, keen Kitten partying at a very clumsy party, which had Rap music playing in the background and two funny uncles laughing to the beat.

Elliot regarded Lannan's Muscular Hair and Tall chest. "I feel the same way!" revealed Elliot with a delighted grin.

Lannan looked emotional, his emotions blushing like a decaying, damaged drinks.

Then Lannan came inside for a nice drink of Whisky.

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