StephenTries X WillNE

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A/N - I'm kinda not ok. But Ste and Will had a moment. Bro there's this kid in my class and he's so smol and adorable for his age and holy shit. He LikEd mY DrAwiNG.

Stephen stands in front of the mirror, looking at himself up and down. Tugging at the ends of his jumper and fiddling with the sleeves. Did he look good enough? There was only one other person in the house but he knows how protective the boy can be, so there was no way of asking without being interrogated. 

It's not like Will was being a bad friend by interrogating him, Stephen completely understood the reason. Ever since Stephen caught his girlfriend cheating, the smaller was really weak, felt like there was nothing left, it was like that for a few weeks. Until Will came over and basically took him under his wing. Stephen knew they were close, but not this close.

Though he couldn't deny he didn't like it and very much understands Wills rules. But Stephen just wanted a night out to himself, he noticed how Busy Will was with editing and didn't dare disturb him, so he called up an old 'friend' that he was gonna meet in a club. 

Will lets Stephen do what he wants, it's not like he was holding the boy back, but every time Stephen went somewhere he would tell Will, or even invite the boy. Unfortunately, Will wouldn't let Stephen go out to a club after Will caught him drinking his problems away, or not out alone at least, so Stephen knew he had to lie.

Grabbing his phone and wallet, Stephen travelled down the stairs into the living room where Will was at his laptop, to engrossed into whatever he was doing to notice the visibly nervous boy in the doorway. Could I just leave? thinking about it for a bit, he decides against it and walks over to Will.

"Oh hey, special occasion?" Will announced, half closing his laptop to focus on Stephen with his full attention. 

"J-just going t-" Clearing his throat a bit, having had his words caught in his throat, he continues "To a friends place for dinner, so I will be back a bit late" Ears flushing pink from the lie. 

Will raises a brow, studying the boys face, which is only making him more flushed. "Are you sure?" 

Stephen nods slowly,  being care full of not giving the lie away, in a result, not making eye contact, which is a dead giveaway. 

"I'm not an idiot, where are you actually going, it can't be that bad" Will pry's, not moving a muscle. 

Stephen contemplates it for a bit, wondering if it's worth telling him another lie. "Okay fine, I am actually going to see a friend... But not for dinner" Words getting quiet and muffled during the last sentence. Stephen awaits for his friends response. 

"Geez how motherly do you think I am, you can go, God even giving you permission to go makes me sound like your guardian. Ste, I don't own you" Will responds, smiling a tint.

Stephen smiles in gratitude, waving goodbye before walking outside where he starts walking around the corner where his 'friend' awaits him.


Stephens shaky hand reaches for his phone, the smallest glint of hope beaming in his eyes as his phone reads 8%. Quickly and quietly he opens messages, scrolling to Will's contacting and hitting dial.

"What's up?" Wills voice was quiet, obviously tired, but nothing compared to the shaky, scared voice of Stephen.

"C-can you come pick me u-up" With a small hiccup from crying, his breathing becomes faster. 

"Oh God, yeah, where are you?" Will's worry for the small boy sky rockets as he already makes his way to the garage and into the car.

"I- I don't know, but please hurry, i'll send you my location"

"Alright Ste, be there soon" 

As soon as the message sends through, Will is on the road and is worried out of his mind for Stephen. 

Now it was Stephens job to Manoeuvre his way out of this girls apartment, Hopefully this is an apartment. Stephens mind races, praying the woman doesn't wake up. By this time his phone was dead and any hopes of finding his wallet was lost. 

Slowly creeping out of the bed, the still shaking boy grasps his pants and shirt, ditching wherever his jacket went and quietly pulling them on, not worrying about where his boxers went either. 

Soon enough he see's lights outside, this was his cue to leave, dashing outside, not worrying about noise anymore, Stephen jumps into the car, double taking on the driver to make sure it was Will. As soon as it was acceptable to drive, they were off. 

Silence dawns over the two, "Care to explain or not yet?" Wills voice echos through Stephens mind. The smaller turns to Will, eyes puffy and hands shaking. 

"I- when we get home" 

Pulling into their garage again, Stephen hopes out and Will walks over to him, engulfing the boy in a hug before walking them both to the couch, where they both sit down, Stephen leaning against Will, like they'd done the day Will found Stephen drinking alone in his apartment. 

"So..." Will drawls out his words, looking down at the boy, taking locks of hair into his fingers and twirling it around, sending a rush of comfort over Stephen, if the cuddling wasn't already doing that. 

"She- I... Will it was all too much. She kept telling me to do things and I didn't want to, but I asked her first but I didn't want it, then she kept telling me it was the only way to repay her and Will that can't be right, can it?" Stephens voice was shaking, tears pricking the corner of his eyes as he looks up at Will. 

"No, of course it isn't, Ste, I think you should stop going out with people for a little" Will suggests, wiping a stray tear that was let loose. 

Stephen nods against Will's chest, wanting nothing more than to curl up in his embrace. Then it hit him. There was a reason for not wanting girls, always wanting Will, loving wills attention, touch, affection. Im gay. The small boys thoughts were racing. How could he not have seen it sooner?

Stephen looks up at Will with a certain look in his eyes, "Will, I think I'm gay" 

Will smiles knowingly, leaning down to plant a kiss on the boys forehead, washing all his worries away. 

"I know". 

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