Joshy X Memeulous

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"I love him" George groans into their couch pillow, Alex fidgeting with James' jumper strings on the other side of the couch. 

"You've said it 5 times in the past minute. We get it. So stop being a pussy and go tell him" Alex complains, head resting on James' shoulder as they scroll through Netflix, desperately trying to find a half decent show to drown out the boy. 

"But I can't. He has a girlfriend. Why him of all people" The distressed boy stands up and walks to the kitchen. 

"Then sort your shit out. Also, when was the last time you saw him mention his girlfriend. Somethings up with them two" James adds, resting his feet up and letting Alex lay on his stomach. 

"Don't assume shit. I don't wanna ruin their relationship because of what I want. That's greedy" George grabs a drink, suddenly feeling really bummed out, or if he wasn't bummed out before. He just feels 10x worse. Like 10Pm feels. 

"Call him then, you guys are friends. Ask to play some games or something. Then gradually ask about his relationships. But don't make it obvious" Alex and James finally decide on a show, or series, Paradise PD. 

"Holy shit, your right." The small male races off into his bedroom, quickly closing the door and opening discord where Joshy's emblem shines bright green, he puts on a grin and tries to hide his excitement as it does the familiar ringtone.  

"Hey man, what's up?" The slightly static, but nonetheless beautiful voice of Josh picks up. 

"I was listening to Alex and James blabber on and couldn't stand it any longer. Wanna play something?" Georges excitement as he says this sentence in a tone that could not be refused. 

"Haha, sure. You sound very happy for someone listening to a gay couple rant" Josh does that beautiful laugh that turned a straight man gay. 

"I had a good day, life treating people well. Watcha wanna play?"

"FoRtNiTe bAtTlE RoYaL" George laughs. 

"If you insist. Your not recording are you?" The plan is to get a bit real. No acting for the camera or putting on a hyper mood.

"Nah. Are you? I can if you want" 

"No, let's just chill and catch up" Both males agree and jump into a lobby. 

"So, anything you wanna get into? What's on your mind?" Josh asks. Time for George to put his master plan to work. 

"If I'm being honest with you, and I am. Relationships. I just feel so empty without someone, you know? Having James with Alex all the time, watching them be together. Makes me feel lonely. Now Will, the sidemen, Stephen and you have girlfriends and it's frustrating" George rants. Everything he's saying is true but he just wants Josh. Not some girl. Josh. He knows it for sure. 

"Heh... yeah. Your a good-looking dude George. Go to a bar and I guarantee you'll find someone. Have you tried Tinder or something like that?" Josh suggests and the smaller feels a slight jab in his heart. 

"I have but nobody feels right. Not sexually either. I dunno if i'm just being picky or rational, but it's driving me insane. Thanks by the way, you too dude"

"No that's rational. Just keep trying, you'll find someone eventually" Josh's words hurt, they really do. 

"Mhm. So how's you and Nina doing. Isn't your anniversary in a few weeks?" I ask, trying to get information. 

"Ah you know what... I wasn't gonna mention it to anyone just yet. But we decided to end it a few months back, or put it on hold? Things weren't going smoothly and she wanted to see her old friends, It's probably better this way" He explains, sadness tugging at his voice. 

"Oh god, I dunno what to say. I hope things get better between you guys. Or at least friends" Despite having feelings for Josh. He genuinely cares about them together and would never do anything to butcher their relationship, guess he doesn't have to2 now. 

"Thanks, but the way things were going, friends aren't an option" Georges heart strings are a tangled mess. On one side he wants to be the caring, encouraging friend who helps him through it. Another wants to just sweep him off his feet, or for his size, Josh to swoop him up. 

"Seems like nobody's having luck with women. Maybe it's time for a change" George suggests. Hoping Josh gets the memo.

"Like being a homo?" The smaller nods. The moment that will say if George has a chance, is about to commence. 

"I wont judge if that's something you wanna do" He replies and George cringes. 

"Josh I- need to get a drink" George jumps up from his chair and runs into the lounge, leaving a confused Josh on the call. 

"Guys help, I wanna ask him out" The small boy fumbles over his words as he stands in front of the TV. 

"Do it then, invite him to the new theme park thats like an hour away" Alex mumbles, barely keeping his eyes open, James playing with his hair. 

"Don't leave him there on the call idling too long, damb" James shoo's the boy back to the room. 

"Back, So uh I was wondering uh- park. Together, for the day. I'll pay for everything and you don't have to come I just having nothing to do and we haven't seen each other for a while. So this would be nice? You don't have to and its-" George fumbles over his words, trying to piece something together, thankfully, before he does something stupid, Josh cuts him off.

"Shush. If your asking me to go out for the day than yes, I would love to go" George smiles, hope filling his eyes and soul.

"So maybe Friday? You can stay over here after, for the night?" Josh agree's, before the call Josh decides to ask one final question. 

"Is it a date?" Georges heart flutters, wondering if it would be too far. 

"I guess... It doesn't have to be, but I- I dunno" Ending the sentence with a sigh, he figures this probably is pointless.

"It's a date then, maybe this change is what we need. But your picking me up because I don't have a car" George laughs briefly, causing Josh to laugh.

"Ok, thanks. Bye Josh"

"Goodbye Georgia"

"Fuck off"

Both boys end the call laughing. George jumps out of his seat and prances into the lounge with a big grin "I did it". 

Stopping the dance he was doing and quieting down, he see's James asleep with Alex curled up in his arms. George smiles once again, turning all the lights off and falls asleep, content with himself at last. 

A/N - I recommended Paradise PD it's the good shit. 

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