YummiR6 X ChaseOnTwoWheels

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A/N - It's poorly written but trigger warning. This was gonna end happy but it felt right.

"Don't give me that bullshit!" Yummi yelled, staring at Chase with tears in his eyes, lip quivering as he frantically looks the man he though he knew so well up and down, wondering how could he have been so wrong, "You knew what you were doing, we weren't even drinking last night!". 

"I'm not denying it, but please hear me out" Chase pleads, keeping his distance as to not set off the already burning fuse before him.

Yummi keeps his mouth shut, the occasional hiccup or sob escaping but no words, not that he could muster any anyway. This was all too much, he'd never felt pain like this before and it fucking sucked. But the last thing he needed, was a reason. 

"She was drunk-"

"Chase you told me you were gay!" Yummis voice is getting louder "Even if she was drunk, you just let it happen!".

"No!" Chase defends, now getting emotional himself "She forced it on me!"

"Bull- fucking- shit. Just get out"

"Not to burst your bubble, but this is my house" Chase says in a duh tone, hurting Yummi even more as he grabs his coat and phone. Storming out of the shit hole he once called home.

Running down the street and to the park, Yummi sits next to a tree, bringing his knees up to his chest and sobbing into his arms, clutching his phone tight, despite seeming like he wants nothing to do with Chase, deep down he knows he wants to see his phone light up with that call, asking his location or to come home.

Thats not to say he wasn't pissed off. Because he was, more than he'd ever been. It was the night of their anniversary too, 3 years of unstoppable love, broken by some wasted woman. 

Yummi hadn't even known it happened until the video got leaked, the caption reading:

Chase did an oopsie

By then the whole fanbase knew about the pairs love. As soon as Chase proposed they told the fans, it was easier on both of them from then on. Until the night of the anniversary. To celebrate they thought it would be cool to hold a party in their house, inviting everyone they knew. 

It was gonna be epic. Alcohol and minor drugs, music and a DJ, strobe lights and a dance floor, throughout the night. 

Yummi had gone to the bathroom, Chase had stayed outside to chat to friends, unfortunately this wasted girl went and jumped to Chase, smothering herself in his scent. This is where everyone took out phones and started recording. 

Chase and Yummi agreed to not drink so he was fully aware but the girl was not. Chase eventually started getting heated with the girl. Then another person informed Chase that Yummi was walking back and they went split. Acting like nothing happened. 

It wasn't until a few hours prior to now Yummi had seen the video sent by a friend. Leading him too were he is now. 

Crying next to a tree in the park, all alone, with nobody to lean a head on. He picks up his phone and calls a friend, someone he knew he could put his life into.



"Yummi answer me for fucks sake"

Yummi opens his tear ridden eyes, puffy and swollen. The boy grimaced as he reaches his hand up and touches his soaking face. He looks up towards his friend, unknowing of the situation. 

"What happened?" he whispers, voice hoarse and cracking up between sobs. 

"You called me last night to pick you up from the park" He started, leading Yummi to the kitchen and handing him some coffee, which he gratefully accepts."I did call chase though" This catches the boys attention.

"You did what"

His friend looks at something then back to Yummi, a pitiful look on his face, "You haven't checked your phone" Yummi raises a brow and opens his phone, noticing an 5 unread messages.

'Never thought this would happen, but i guess it is'

'I hope you know i truely love you but it wont ever be the same'

'I fucked up and thats all on me'

'Your stuff is in the kitchen, that is if you actually want to come by, if not Dan can pick it up'

'I hope someday we can be friends, goodbye' 

Yummi pauses and stares at his phone, the longer he does the more he feels the pain thrashing to get out.

It needs to come out. 

'Drowning out the rest of what his friend is saying, the boy waits, waits until he finishes before thanking him for the free bed. Grabbing his stuff and setting off to where Chase proposed. 

Yummi stared down at the lake below him, 50ft from the base, the cool wind blowing in his hair as he lets the tears flow.

The boy takes out his phone and stares at the lock screen. Opening his contacts and scrolling to his family, he types a quick message. 

'I thought it'd be weird if i left without a goodbye so here it is'

'I couldn't thank you enough for everything you've done for me, i may be dramatic but i cant live with this'

'I love you all unconditionally'

Placing the phone gently on the railing, teardrops sliding off the bright surface, the weeping boy looks at the brown water below. 

Inhaling a sharp breath, he forces his body to fall forward. The collide of the water which felt like cement, stripping his breath away. Icy murks flood take his vision as his body goes numb. 

"Hey!" A scream is muffled by the water, "Sir!" 

It was too late.

A red faze clouds his vision as his body is gently carried through the river. 

That was it,

He was dead. 

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