Fitz X SwaggerSouls

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A/N - i hurt and i cry cuz i alon for valentine. Also i need ta pee. 

"MASON" Eric calls out, groaning in frustration and confusion, "Fuckin' emotions" The man mutters to himself, walking out the bathroom and straight into Mason room. 

"When's Cam here" The younger male looks up from his computer, confusion written all over his face, parting his lips slightly to talk. But before any sound could get let out, Eric grunts again and walks out Masons room, slamming his door before standing outside the room dumbfounded. 

"Why did I do that...?" The man questions himself, all a sudden feeling over written by emotions again, "OH FOR FUCKS SAKE".

Slamming Masons room open again, apologising briefly before shutting the door and walking to the couch, slouching down and sulking to himself, drawing attention from the kitchen. 

"Swags...? You ok in there?" Matt calls out, brows furrowed as he genuinely concerned for his friend, having noticing the change in behaviour recently.

Taking a deep breath in, Eric composes himself once more "When's Cam arriving". Pausing briefly to check his phone, Matt replies "Roughly 10 minutes, you should go change, no offence but you haven't exactly seen sunlight for 3 days". 

Eric nods, picking himself up and walking back to the bathroom to have a quick shower. 

Once he's all freshened up, in presentable clothing and calmed a little from his hissy fit, Eric makes his way downstairs once again, occasionally taking a hit from his juul to calm his nerves.

"That's better" By now everyone had gathered in the living room, either on their phones or watching the show that Mason had so excellently picked out: Shameless.

Suddenly, a knock is heard from the door, going the speed of light, Eric is the first to get up, heading towards the door, hands shaking as he reaches for the handle, twisting it open to reveal the boy he's been craving so desperately, Cam.

"Heyy Swags" Pulling the boy in for a hug, Eric sighs contently, nuzzling up into Cam's chest and breathing in his scent. Wanting this moment to never end.

Cam, from over Erics head, see's the other guys smiling, some smirking. Cam, not understanding the situation, but loving it non the less, mouths to the guys 'i'm confused' with his brows furrowed. 

Eventually, Eric pulls away, face flustered and red, eyes more watery than usual and heart clenching as he no longer feels the contact anymore. Cam, still confused, decides he should bring it up another time, or wait for something to happen. 

Around 3 hours later, everyone was gathered around the table, most people choofed out of their minds except Toby, Eric and Cam. Toby, just unwanting to get high, decided he would almost be a trip sitter. While Eric knew getting high of his mind wouldn't be the best option. Lastly, Cam wanted to spend more time with Eric and get to know why he was acting strange, which he had been displaying very obviously over the past few hours.

"Eric" Catching the boys attention, Cam looks him up and down, looking for any physical signs, sadly, nothing to give away what was happening. 


"You ok?" 

"Why- why wouldn't I be?" Eric starts to get a little worried Could he know? No he couldn't possibly know. Despite having clear feelings for Cam, wanting to be held, loved, to be able to call Cam his, he was afraid of what could happen in the long run and was determined to not let anyone know. 

But little did Eric know, Cam felt the same way, ever since they met for the first time at PAX, Cam started to get this little fuzzy feeling inside whenever Eric would speak to him, which soon turned into a full on crush and now he knows, he loved Eric.

"You just seem off, like when I first arrived-"

"I don't know whats happening" Eric cuts him off, feeling all these emotions bursting out from deep below.

"What do you mean? Are you alright?" Cam places a hand on Erics shoulder, tilting his head slightly. Makes Erics heartbeat race and face flush red again. 

"No, I was fine until a few weeks ago, now I can't seem to go a day without feeling like a teenager all over again. I hate it, I feel sad one minute the next frustrated, then I'll feel fine the next minute and i'm just so confused and tired" Eric confesses, feeling this is a good time to talk, but not to much information.

"Aw, you really are like a teen again, is there anything on your plate that you need to get off?" 

Eric fumbles around for a bit, leaning back into his seat and fiddling with a piece of cloth, "I- I like this g- guy...". 

"Ah see there's your issue, or so I think. I like this guy too, so I sorta understand where you're coming from" Cam reassures, trying to subtly hint that maybe they like each other. 

"So I should just tell him and I'll stop being so moody?" 

"Well, I think it's better than bottling it up" If Cam's calculations were right, and they usually are, Eric was about to confess. 

"What if he doesn't like me back?"

"At least you tried" 

Eric ponders at the thought, before Cam rolls his eyes, smiling gently and placing a light kiss to Erics cheek, making sure nobody was looking so Eric wouldn't feel embarrassed. 

"Cam- I"

"You were talking about me right? Cuz that'd be pretty awkward if you weren't" Cam nervously laughs, scratching the nape of his neck. 

"Yeah, yeah I was" Eric smiles brightly and he gazes up at Cam.

Another hour passes, everyone migrated to the couch, boys snuggled up together, riding off their highs. Eric's face pressed up against Cam's chest, lightly snoring. Cam smiling and rubbing circles on the boys back, focusing off into the distance. 

"Hey Cam" Snapping the Kiwi out of his gaze, he looks over to see Matt with Toby in his hold, "Thanks" 

Cam smiles at his words, looking down again at Eric, smiling to himself. 

"Happy Valentines, Swags" 

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